Random Thoughts
I can’t be the only person who saw the whole Bhutto thing coming. Granted, I don’t think that SHE knew that they were going to kill her (yeah, she banged her head, right) when she came riding in on her metaphorical white horse to attempt to re-ascend her Paris-Hilton-Before-The-Disinheritance throne, but I knew that they were setting her up. She didn’t get back into Pakistan just for shits & giggles.
Back when I was but a young bitter crone, they touted her as the standard-bearer for feminism and democracy and everything good in the universe. They didn’t talk so much about how she’d inherited the gig. And when suddenly, as teh republicunts & other chest-beating war-mongers are putting the pressure on the now-out-of-favor Musharraf, she decides to come back from “exile” (if you call living in the lap of luxury in the Emirates “exile” --- especially with Unca Dick as a neighbor) just as the “war on terra” is sliding down the Murkin priorities pole faster than a sweaty stripper --- it was NOT organic. You could see the marionette strings from a mile away.
Sure, she enjoyed casting herself in the role of martyr, as she enjoyed playing the part of “democratic pioneer” back in the day, while we were still learning that she’d been put upon that throne by the CIA and Poppy’s cronies. She refused state security & protection, and then blamed the state for putting her under house arrest. She was looking for a cross to climb upon, and somebody gladly obliged her. Again, I don’t think that (at least on her end of the deal) she was *supposed* to die, as far as she knew, she was just supposed to be made a more precious commodity, endangered, threatened, valuable. Kinda like the Missing-White-Woman industry in this country. Y’know, if you’re a RICH white woman.
But somewhere, in an undisclosed location, Dick Cheney is rubbing his talons together a’la Mister Burns, muttering, “Exxxxxxcelllllentttt… heh heh heh…” The Neverending War goes on, just shifting the aim, momentarily at least, away from Iran, since the public-opinion numbers are more than reticent on that idea. We’ve got our Dictator all set-up for the conquest (“Paging General Noriega to the white courtesy phone, paging General Noriega…”), we’ve got our Martyr (no longer an expatriate, eh?), we’ve got her successor already chosen (I wouldn’t trust that kid any further than I’d trust Jeb Bush), all that we need now is a great, self-appointed-hero nation to come riding in to the rescue, to put all the players in their right spots upon the international stage. Hmmm, now who would that be?
One would think, with Poppy Bush’s rapidly-advancing chemical dementia (sure, the kind thing would be to call it “Alzheimer’s” but that fucker doesn’t get off so easy), that his long-nurtured plans for world domination (“New World Order” ring a bell?) would kinda start to unravel and/or disintegrate. Apparently not. Unca Dick is no longer “just” the dangerous motherfucker in the shadows, plotting and planning and pulling the strings from behind the curtain. It wouldn’t surprise me, honestly, if he became the “dark horse” (or dark lord, if you prefer) and last-minute drop-in GOP candidate right in the middle of their convention. But that doesn’t generally follow Dick’s M.O. --- he likes to avoid the publicity unless absolutely necessary, let some other schmuck take the public spills, while he sits atop his Uncle Scrooge McDuck piles of moolah, cackling and plotting his next move.
We thought that we’d escaped the Bush/pharma/oil nightmare when Bill Clinton swept into office, idealistic young fools that we were. It was just Poppy’s nappy time. How anyone can look back at the 2000 & 2004 “elections” and not see the hand of the “New World Order” at work, right down to saddling Al Gore with Joe GOP-Cocksucker LIEberman, I have no idea. I’m not generally given to “conspiracy theories” or much interested in trying to observe & predict the movements of the freemasons, but this shit is getting on my last fucking nerve. It’s like we’re stuck in some scratch groove on a vinyl record from Dick Nixon’s era, and no matter how they repackage the same shit, no matter how “new & improved” the next stooge/puppet will be (Fred Thompson, I hope that you’re reading this, you punkin’-headed moron), it’s the SAME FUCKING STORY, ALL THE FUCK OVER AGAIN. Didn’t we pass this way before? Are we the only ones who can see the déjà vu?
Maybe Benazir Bhutto really did mean well. Maybe she’s not the heiress-to-the-throne puppet that she’s always struck me as being. But honestly, as conveniently as the “Al Qaida” phone-taps and the “coming videotapes” of bin Laden “fall” into the laps of “our” government, I don’t see how anybody can look at this clusterfuck of events and not see a pattern as old and as blatant as 90% of the “film” plots that roll out of Hollywood every fucking year. Oh, no, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain --- oh, look! Shiny objects! Keep shopping! Buy another house that you can’t afford! Depression?? Recession?? Never hearda sucha thing! OUR economy? Why, it’s as stable as… as… It’s like a rock! Yeah! Buy another Chevy! So what if they’re built in Mexico and Honduras? Jobs? What jobs? Hey, if you can’t find a job, it’s YOUR damned fault, not the Preznit’s! He said that we’re doing GREAT! So shaddup and eat your commodity cheese, dammit.
Poor people? There aren’t any poor people in this country, there’s just lazy welfare-queen motherfuckers who WON’T work, that’s why we have to bus-in our pet “illegals” and pay ‘em a dollar a fucking day, with no healthcare or Social Security paid in. THEY are rebuilding Murka, dammit, so don’t you open your fucking mouth about it. Social Security? No, that was screwed-up from the get-go, it was never meant to work this long or for this many people, that’s why we need to pour all of that money into the STOCK MARKET! Yeah, the Free Market System will save us all! We’ll make a PROFIT on your Social Security benefits, just hand ‘em over and nobody gets hurt, y’hear?
Anyway, to get back to the original topic here, I can’t prove what’s happening, I can just feel it coming. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, never will. It was the staging site for, and I quote from some schmuck at Avondale, “The Ongoing International War On Terra.” As they’re building an aircraft carrier called the U.S.S. New York out of melted-down steel from the World Trade Center, with help that they shipped-in from all over the country. Why on earth would anybody hire LOCALS in Louisiana, after all?!?! Just ask the Shaw Group. We certainly don’t have any fucking IRONWORKERS here, now do we. People are still drinking the Kool-Aid. The same people who actually DID vote for Dumbya, both times, are still in that same exact 9/12 mindset, all evidence (and there’s an assload of it, isn’t there) to the contrary notwithstanding.
No progress in 7 years. None whatsofuckingever. Still sliding backwards on our asses down into the bottomless ravine of hegemony and ignorance. And nobody gives a fuck. Well, put it this way --- nobody out there/here, in the “heartland,” gives a fuck, ‘cause examining the truth, examining their own motivations, examining what’s wrong with this country, would reeeeallllly inconvenience the fuck out of the sheeple. If you THINK about the effects of your behavior, much less the motivations behind it, then you might have to CHANGE your behavior, and that’d just be a royal pain in the ass all over the place, right. After all, if we all judged or examined our own behavior, then we wouldn’t need JEEEEBUS to tell us what to do (via Pat Robertson, of course), now would we?!?!? That’d destabilize the whole fucking COUNTRY!!!
And don’t miss that lovely undercurrent of how wimmenfolk shouldn’t be fuckin’ around in politics, while you’re at it. Granted, I’m no fan of Hillary, but it’s such a blatant fucking swipe at her and any other woman who aspires to power (y’know, without being a lap-bitch like Condi, ‘cause NOTHING will ever happen to THAT little princess, will it) --- unlike the “powerful” women like Pelosi who hand that power right the fuck back to the massahs whom they’d supposedly challenged in the first fucking place. If the original overthrow of Bhutto wasn’t enough of a “hint,” then her “self-inflicted” head wound certainly oughta be, eh?
Kiss your daughters tonight. Their futures just got a little farther away.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
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