Saturday, March 28, 2009

Step #3 in Genocidal Jindal's Plan To Eradicate "The Untouchables" From Murka

Clicky on picky to see bigger, I hope. The circled part explains the "subtle" part of this step in Genocidal Jindal's plan to eradicate Untouchables (poor, disabled, elderly without money, undereducated, disenfranchised, working poor, 8th-generation free-born black New Orleanians, anybody else who's not uber-republicunt, fanatical "christian," or breed-breed-breed uterine-invader batshit-crazies, etc.) from what's left of the real Louisiana, especially the few tattered remnants of pre-Katrina New Orleans. If you're not a homeowner, FEMA & The Grayutt Stayutt Of Louisiana say that you don't deserve to get ANY help from ANY hurricane damage. If you need help with your medical care, if you don't make enough money to pay for private insurance, if you have a child born with birth defects, heart disease, brain damage, etc., if you're not GOOD ENOUGH TO PAY RETAIL {as if the wealthy EVER pay "retail"!!!}, if you don't belong to the CUNT-ry Club of Lousyana, if you didn't vote for HIS overrated, beknighted bony ass, THEN YOU DO NOT DESERVE TO LIVE. PERIOD. NOR DO YOUR DISABLED CHILDREN.

Need medicine? FUCK YOU. Kinda my "parents" approach to deciding who "deserves" medication that they need to LIVE: I had to sell and/or pawn everything saleable I had, including losing my Nannie's opal ring (the only good gift I was ever able to give her) to a low-rent hunting/sporting-goods/pawn joint, whilst I awaited my disability determination, Medicaid & Medicare, but their alcoholic, coke-freak, pseudo-"cripple," offspring-abandoning, child-molesting FELON of a Son-King, for HIM, they opened-up a fucking CHARGE ACCOUNT at the now-defunct Feliciana Health Mart. And the republicunts who owned that show went OUT OF THEIR FUCKING WAY to get Medicaid to PAY teh Fallen Uterus & Her Dick BACK for all of the TONS of meds that they didn't even pay RETAIL for, for their precious Son-King. When I'd just lost my Nannie's ring and COULD have gotten it back if I'd had that Medicaid knowledge & access to pharmaceutical reimbursement, did those two redneck pigs OPEN THEIR FUCKING MOUTHS about getting ME reimbursed, especially when I could've saved Nannie's ring?

FUCK NO. Despite having xeroxed my Medicaid and later my Medicare card and sending every single one of my following prescriptions THROUGH Medicaid & Medicare, they claim to "not have known" THAT I DESERVED TO GET THAT MONEY BACK or EVEN THAT I FUCKING ***HAD*** MEDICAID & MEDICARE, and it being THREE FUCKING YEARS LATER (Medicaid never having told me that EITHER), there was no fucking WAY IN HELL that I was gonna get that money back.
Those motherfuckers KNEW that I was hocking & selling EVERYTHING THAT I HAD, JUST TO PAY FOR ***TWO*** FUCKING PRESCIPTIONS, AND ***ALWAYS*** PAID THEM IN CASH, NEVER ***ONCE*** DID THE F.U. OR HER DICK WRITE A CHECK OR GET A CHARGE ACCOUNT FOR ***MY*** DESTROYED ASS. Those Feliciana Healthmart Hypocrites fucking KNEW my entire situation, I was in there damned near EVERY FUCKING WEEK. Fuck, they ran with the bigoted cracker sexist-pig excuse for a junior-high "principal" who had me BLACKBALLED from substitute-teaching in THE ENTIRE PARISH, they knew WAY TOO FUCKING MUCH about ME.

So this is Piyush's (PBJ, Piyush "Bobby" Jindal, ethnic cleanser, esq.) approach to those who don't "deserve" to live. FUCK 'EM. Let 'em pay retail or let 'em fucking DIE.

Step 1 was Katrina, and don't think that the republicunts, from D.C. to Chalmette, weren't in on THAT shit, from gutting the Corps of Engineers budget for five years straight to destroying the infrastructure of the entire flood & canal system of Orleans Parish. IF THERE WERE NO BLACK PEOPLE LEFT, ESPECIALLY POOR BLACK PEOPLE (as poor motherfuckers don't DESERVE TO VOTE, obviously), THERE'D BE NO SOLIDLY-DEMOCRATIC VOTING BLOC IN NEW ORLEANS TO ONCE AGAIN PREVENT THE NEXT HEIR-APPARENT, GENOCIDAL JINDAL, FROM BEING "ELECTED."

Step 2. was GUTTING THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HOSPITALS. I don't have the patience tonight to find you the citations, but American Zombie, Right-Hand Thief, and Katrinacrat Blog prolly have it all; also check The Gambit and

ON THE VERY FUCKING DAY THAT GENOCIDAL JINDAL WAS INAUGURATED, he issued an across-the-board HIRING FREEZE, CANCELLATION OF ALL PROMOTIONS, AND A TOP-TO-BOTTOM "CLEANSING" OF THE ENTIRE FOOD STAMP, MEDICAID, AND OTHER STATE-AID ROLLS. And if they couldn't douche you COMPLETELY off of the food stamp rolls, they'd cut your food stamps/benefits down to LIVING ON RAMEN-NOODLES AND AIR LEVELS. Sixty-five dollars a month for an adult woman, but if you pop-out ONE little future-labor-slave, you still get OVER TWO HUNDRED BUCKS A MONTH.

They'd already destroyed Charity Hospital (even though the building is still standing and functional), Earl K. Long was next on the chopping block, and the rest of Huey P. Long's Charity Hospital System is not long for this world. The giant biomedical corporation (and international guinea-pig-recruiting "research facility") known as LSU has to make money and buy-up more real estate, so FUCK ANYBODY WHO NEEDS AN E.R. WITHOUT MEDICARE, MEDICAID, BLUE CROSS OR HUMANA. The EKL E.R., which I've already explained is DESIGNED TO DISCOURAGE THE POOR FROM SURVIVING ***ANY*** ILLNESS OR INJURY, will soon be gone, but the out-of-state, low-testing "medical students" won't have to go someplace DIFFICULT to get their licenses, because LSU & TULANE will ALWAYS find a place for them to "practice."

They went through EVERY name on the food stamp & medicaid rolls (though not WIC, though that's a whole other post; HOW YA GONNA KEEP 'EM DOWN ON THE FARM AND IG'NANT IF YOU DON'T KEEP 'EM BREEEEEEEEDING?!?!?!) and dumped TENS OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE who suddenly "no longer QUALIFIED," even though, legally, the rules hadn't changed. They dumped hundreds of DHH employees, as if that department wasn't a clusterfuck ENOUGH, and there are now MILLIONS MORE PEOPLE FALLING THROUGH THE MEDICAL CRACKS, thanks to GENOCIDAL JINDAL.

The Baton Redneck Republicunt Rouge monopoly "newspaper" puts a Sunday headline up, "POVERTY AFFECTS HEALTH OF POOR." Well, pull me up a fucking chair, I just might faint. Where on EARTH did those billionaires EVER get the idea that POOR PEOPLE DIED FASTER, especially when you ILLEGALLY DEPRIVE THEM OF LIFE-SAVING MEDICATION AND MEDICAL CARE?!?!?!? Somebody must've written about it in the Wall Street Journal, how the corporations are having to import even MORE guest workers, 'cause without healthcare plans, feasible hours, above-slave-wages PAY, etc., THE MINIMUM-WAGE LEGALIZED-SLAVERY WORKERS WERE DROPPING LIKE FLIES, from the few jobs that hadn't already been shipped to the 3rd world.
Again, remember the phrase, "LEGALIZED SLAVERY." 'Cause that's what life for the poor & working classes has been since Reagan's massahs destroyed the unions and Bill Clinton laid down for the Republicunt "Congress" for NAFTA & CAFTA. Destroy everything that FDR & LBJ built to empower the working classes, invade underdeveloped countries, bribe the right Spanish Inquisition dictators, and you can exploit the living FUCK out of their undereducated, fearful, starving populations. No OSHA, no healthcare, no unions, no problem!

Now, before I explain Genocidal Jindal's "Ethnic" Cleansing Plan further, there are some caveats.

I am not a racist, never have been, even against the races to whom certain abusive, attempted-murderer, illiterate junkie pieces of shit have belonged, as I view them as DETRIMENTS to their respective heritages, not EMBLEMATIC of their races. And before somebody says, "And some of your best friends have been Indians," shut the fuck up. A girl who was like my little sister, named Sudeeptha (who is undoubtedly the most learned, highly-skilled chemist/chemical physicist {or whatever in the hell they call those doctoral degrees for chemical engineering} in the greater Chicago area by now), I still think of every day, as we lost touch after I left NOLA. Gopi, I haven't seen since I was last at UNO, to put up fliers for the fundraiser I did for the YWCA Battered Women's Program in 2000. He was doing great, if goofy as ever, in HIS doctoral program. Electronic engineering, far as I can remember. I wasn't as close to the pretty boy, can't recall his name right this minute, but he's probably an officer in the Indian Air Force like his dad by now.

None of them were "wealthy," though they were all of middle-class to upper-middle-class incomes; they never mentioned "Untouchables," either, and I wasn't supposed to ask. Because of their intellects and test scores, I think that all of them were at UNO on scholarships. None of them, last I heard, stayed at UNO or in Louisiana to teach or repay the karma of those scholarships, but I know that Gopi & Sudeeptha are doing good things, whereever they are, and teaching well. Biggest hearts I've ever seen in such skinny vegan bodies. Well, Little Sister wasn't quite skinny, but she had THE tiniest little hands and feet, she must've been a GODDESS back home, or if she ever went to Asia Major.

I lost touch with the other guy when my Iraqi/Arabic best bud "re-converted" to islam and he and his newly-converted-fanatical soon-to-be-bride decided that I was basically "satan" incarnate, as I had no plans of following them to the conversion, though I did wear many head scarves to help Bridezilla make it through the hijab transition. She never appreciated it, she said that I was "mocking" the fact that she'd taken the hijab for life, because I told her that she was a strong woman for being able to conceal herself every day for the rest of her life without going nuts. Yup, I'm the fucking devil. Oh, and just on the off chance that fate/the universe/leprechauns might do me a solid, I did have a santeria candle burning, to fight-off the bleeding-sigmoid-colon damage being inflicted upon me by that no-neck, punkin'-headed, bug-eyed, illiterate recidivist, dog-fucking sexist pig, knuckle-dragging redneck no-talent hack motherfucker, oughta-been-hiding-under-a-bridge, chewing-on-a-goat's-neck TROLL SUMBITCH who was killing me with verbal assaults, sexism, sexual harassment, sexual discrimination, SCREAMING AND CUSSING AND DEPRIVING ME OF SLEEP SIX DAYS A FUCKING WEEK, from when I worked at the world's shittiest oldies station, 95.7 WTKL in Metairie. I'd hoped that the candle would do to the rest of him what steroids had done to this "boss's" brain/testicles (if he had either in the first place), as he was a tiny, tiny man who lifted weights to feel "manly," and y'all ain't never SEEN 'roid rage until you've seen a VERY short man with no creativity, talent, brains, skills, intellectual abilities, voice, or human qualifications who REALLY REALLY HATES WOMEN, especially those of us who don't approach him in the proper posture of knees first, open mouth second.

Anyway, after the candle, after I'd cooked a dinner party that was "kosher" for muslims, jews/israelis, "christians," atheists, and those "vegetarians" who eat fish, and having fed THEIR PARENTS, which none of their other friends had EVER FUCKING DONE, ON ***ANY*** OF THEIR VISITS FROM RIYADH, the Miami party-girl-bisexual-turned-islamic-fanatic-bigot and the faint remnants of one of the most brilliant men I've ever known, and my favorite friend EVER to argue politics with --- they saw the candle and declared that I was no longer good enough to be their friend. Not that "christians" of every fanatical flavor, jews, wiccans, Nation of Islamites, Hindus, Taoists, Confuscious acolytes, Sikhs, Buddhists, etc., HADN'T ***ALREADY*** banished me from their lives, y'know, for being the evil atheist feminist MONSTER that I am, but this one really hurt. And the ancillary/side friends that I lost as a result of this, that really sucked, too. Even if they weren't muslim, they still sided with the newly-fanatical newly-muslims who abandoned/shunned me. Including the pretty boy.

Getting back to Genocidal Jindal: Y'all know about the Caste System of Indian culture. They claim that it doesn't exist anymore (I've not seen "Slumdog Millionaire" yet, nor any Indian {Or Anglo-Indian} films since "Bend It Like Beckham," but there's a REASON why they call those babies "SLUMDOGS.") , in this high-tech, globe-devouring "democratic" capitalist monster of a country, oh, no, there are NO problems in India, send us ALL of your jobs, nevermind the crippled child from the car bomb, he's just "atmosphere" for the celebutards who wanna feel "good" about themselves.

THE CASTE SYSTEM STILL EXISTS. It's existed all over the world, since the first cave asshole decided to drag her or his friends over to one corner, and point and whisper and snicker at the OTHER cave woman or man who didn't belong to that clique.
The British call it "the monarchy," a "royal democracy," what-have-you, now that they've been divested of most of their empire/plantations. After all, as the sun never set on the British Navy, they enslaved people of several dozen colors, allll over the world, to enhance the ease, comfort, and narcissism of THEIR lifestyles.
Well, if you were BORN LUCKY, anyway. If you weren't aristocracy, middle-class of a "respectable" line of employ, or a recently-emigrated "royal" from elsewhere (divested, exiled, or with some tattered remnants of wealth/capitalism), as the Dickens books & PBS have taught us (in case y'all's "world history" lessons were as bereft of depth as mine were), YOU WERE FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKED.

"Oliver!" the musical always seemed like a particularly morbid/disturbing/sickening concept, considering the underlying truths to the plot/characters/setting. Pretty fucking horrific, and that covers "David Copperfield," too. Children as idolatry/pretty tchotchkes for the wealthy/upwardly-mobile Industrial Revolutionaries, children as hookers, slaves, targets and MEAT in every other "class."

Murka ain't innocent. This country was BUILT on slavery, and we didn't just exploit our native-born and/or caucasian "unluckies"/Untouchables, either, we went and KIDNAPPED MLLIONS MORE.

Every year, in most of the South, especially here: they celebrate "Pilgrimmage," a little pomp of little circumstance, teaching and praising the antebellum age of plantations, slave bricks, Greek-Revival architecture, hoop skirts, "Scarlett O'Hara," azaleas blooming, oh, and ALL OF THE WUNNERFUL PRODUCTS OF SLAVERY, like a booming agricultural economy that could not exist WITHOUT slavery, before industrialization.
Oh, what pretty houses, what glorious furniture (though they never EVER mention that most of it was hand-crafted by FREE PEOPLE OF COLOR, FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD, BACK WHEN NEW ORLEANS WAS STILL A SMALL INDEPENDENT N. CARRIBBEAN NATION, independent of the Confederacy; if you ask ANY Louisiana History teacher in this state, ANY Murkin History teacher, especially those who stick to the Houghton-Miflin textbooks: THERE'S NEVER EVER BEEN ANY SUCH THING AS "FREE PEOPLE OF COLOR," EXCEPT THOSE SLAVES WHO ESCAPED TO THE NAWTH AND WAS RESCUED BY GOOD WHAAAT PEOPLES. Fuck you, kiddo, you been LIED TO. Look it up, and I don't just mean Anne Rice's "historical novels."), what amazing live-oak trees of 3 or 400 years (where they used to lash and hang unrepentent slaves/escapees/etc., but you'll never hear THAT on the guided tour!), oh, the fuschia and pale-pink and white azaleas, the dogwoods, the bridal wreath blooming, oh, the hummingbirds and cardinals, oh, how LOVELY it must all have been back then, with slaves to fan away the malaria mosquitoes, slaves to cook the food, slaves to do the washing and cleaning and upkeep, oh, to have lived in such a "ROMANTIC" time, blah blah de fucking blah.

It's a tourism economy (except for our sweatshops, which PBJ is trying to replicate by the hundreds, every fucking day), since we lost the dominance of cane sugar, since Ronnie Ray-Gun & GHWBush destroyed independent oil companies & unions, since the South China Sea became the dominant source of all seafood consumed in North Murka (and fuck you very much, Trent Lott, Bill Clinton, Newt Gingrich, Saxby Chambliss, and every other "Southerner" who voted FOR NAFTA, CAFTA, FTAA, and the utter dissembly of the FDA & regulation of imported foods, ESPECIALLY FROM TOTALLY-TOXIC CHINA), etc.
Selling those Hollywood/NYC stereotypes of "The South," pre- or post-Katrina, pick one, they're not much different, whether they get the stories/history RIGHT or NOT (98% NOT, and if y 'all ever hire a tour guide in New Orleans, CLEAR 'EM WITH *ME* FIRST, 'CAUSE MOST OF 'EM IS FUCKING CARPETBAGGING YANKEES WHO JUST GOT THERE LAST WEEK!!!! Especially the ones in the damned buggies with those poor abused mules.) --- whoring ourselves out to ignorant tourists is about all we've got left, since the French/French-Canadian paper mill vaporized overnight, the Entergy nuclear plant mostly hires traveling technicians, and the shipping-pallet plant & U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Mat Field (concrete mats for shoring-up levees, ha ha) FIRED ALL AMERICAN LABORERS AND REPLACED THEM WITH BUSLOADS OF "GUEST WORKERS" WHO NEVER HAVE TO LEAVE. So that's the bullshit movie stereotype that we sell to the tourists, because if you tell the WHOLE truth, oh, you'll DISCOURAGE the tourists from buying SOUVENIRS!

So India and Indian descendants (Not Native American/Non-Domesticated Native "Indians") are not the only Caste System Operators. But Piyush, whilst abandoning MOST of his parents' culture, especially Hinduism, (in favor of a special brand of fanatical catholicism that encourages forcible "exorcisms" upon women who won't date him), clings to the Caste System with a bloody VENGEANCE.
When his mama got him the job (under the dumbest gubner EVER, Murphy J. "Mike" Foster, cracker moron who gives crackers a bad name) RUNNING DHH, his life's mission crystalized for him. Not just to destroy the public school system and give all the taxpayers' money to catholic/parochial/unlicensed "charismatic christian" schools, though that IS one of his higher priorities, nope, that wasn't the POINT of his life, though shoving Mary & Jeebus down all our throats IS a dominant motivation of PBJ's...

No, his life's mission is to DESTROY LOUISIANA'S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HOSPITALS, eradicate Medicaid ENTIRELY (which also gladdens the "hearts"/wallets of all republicunts, lobbyists, the AMA, pharma monstrosities, catholic corporations operating as "non-profit" {HA!!!} hospitals, doctors' lobbyists, all ancillary industries to the medical mafiosos, AND every born-lucky bastard who's spent their lives HATING THE POOR FOR BEING STUPID ENOUGH TO BE BORN POOR, and yet unable to "achieve the Murkin Dream," somehow...), destroy sex education/condom distribution/parish health units/access to reproductive choice/prenatal nutrition & medicine for poor breeders {they need the slave labor, they don't want it to be SMART}/venereal disease prevention/HIV education {sluts DESERVE diseases, man-sluts deserve to continue to INFLICT diseases upon the she-sluts, especially if they'll KILL THEM or render them INFERTILE/IMPOTENT: white slaves aren't as popular or desirable} & prevention/dental surgery & hygiene/diabetic care for the poor/heart-disease & cancer "treatment" {CURING them would be COUNTERPRODUCTIVE for the medical corporations like LSU & Our Lady Of Perpetual Bigotry}, and generally MAKE DAMNED SURE THAT POOR PEOPLE LIVE SICKER, SHORTER, WEAKER, MORE MISERABLE LIVES, BECAUSE THEY FUCKING ***DESERVE*** IT, FOR NOT BEING BORN CONNECTED, WEALTHY, LUCKY OR LEGACIED. And, y'know, it helps keep the poor from thinking too much and gettin' uppity, thinking that they can "revolt," much less having the mental energy/accuity and physical strength/endurance to actually fucking DO IT!!!

The above document is part A of Step #3 of Genocidal Jindal's plan to kill-off/further enslave the poor through attrition, neglect, discriminatory administration of "medical care" (or not administering it AT ALL, if you're a non-breeder/non-"christian"/non-sheepul), atrophy of the infrastructure that HUEY LONG BUILT TO RAISE THE POOR PEOPLE UP TO HAVING A FAIR SHOT AT THAT MYTH OF THE "AMERICAN DREAM," and legislating the destruction of everything that Edwin W. Edwards did (especially Louisiana's first actual CONSTITUTION, as opposed to the Napoleonic Code that teh Vatican West motherfuckers want to BRING BACK) to bring Louisiana OUT OF THE THIRTEENTH CENTURY and to PRESERVE THE ACADIAN CULTURE, without which these morons wouldn't even HAVE tourists.

I've not seen a newspaper or news site today, so I can't predict at this particular moment what the part B will be, or where it will lead us to fulfill Step #4 (class warfare elevated beyond day-to-day bigotry/deprivation of employment & education to actual fear-based/paranoia-mongering CLASS WARFARE; handgun sales will rocket up faster than they did in the week following Katrina's landfall, "gated communities" will request re-zoning to move any servants/other poor/Untouchables EVEN FARTHER away from their precious McMansions, as well as destroying EVERY STICK OF HOUSING LEFT in the Lower 9, 7th & 8th Wards, the Student Ghetto & working-class chunks of Lakeview, and every other working-class and poor neighborhood in Orleans, Jefferson, St. Bernard, Tangipahoa, Livingston, and East Baton Rouge parishes; if you ain't already a homeowner, dude, you are FUCKED, 'cause what few standing public-housing units survived the 'dozer-happy demolition crews after Katrina will be MARKED AND READY FOR DESTRUCTION.
Subsidized housing will go the same way as Section-8 vouchers/duplexes/apartments have gone for the past 4 years: GONE. Even if you're already IN subsidized housing, no matter HOW SHITTY it is, that's no guarantee that you'll get to keep that roof over your head, as they "re-value" real estate and eliminate "unwanted elements" from areas that yuppie-scum rednecks want to "gentrify." First they destroy our health & lives, they take away our food, they make us desperate enough to steal, therefore furthering the agenda of and increasing the profits of the Prison Industry {public and private}, upping the fear-mongering with mugshots of only BLACK or "OTHER" arrestees {when white motherfuckers go to jail anywhere north of I-10 in Louisiana, they NEVER reveal their full identities, addresses, or mugshots UNLESS THEY'VE KILLED RICH WHITE WOMEN OR WHITE CHILDREN}),
and increasing the Grand Canyon divide between the haves and the never-hads.

Any of this sound familiar to y'all? Yes, we have passed this way before. We have suffered these indignities, wounds and libels many a time, under Hoover, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush Sr., and Bush Jr. President Obama is building plan to save us, to create jobs by restoring and rebuilding the country that's been neglected for 28 years, in favor of weaponry, fake wars, wasted deaths and overpriced red china in the White House.
Morons like Genocidal Jindal, those other fucktards that have been skewered @ Tome Of The Unknown Writer, Your Right-Hand Thief, American Zombie, World O'Crap & elsewhere, they build paper tigers to fight, they elevate their egos (though not their actual status, the fools) by "rejecting" this "tax-and-spend socialism," because HEAVEN FORBID that we FIX THE CLUSTERFUCK THAT YOU MORONS AND YOUR CORPORATE MASSAHS & REPUBLICUNT FORBEARS ***CAUSED***. They might get the batshit-crazy apocalypso donors all het-up about how they'll "clean house" in 2012, but it ain't gonna work.

Sure, some appropriately-compensated "lone gunman" wingnut recruited by Biggus Dickus Himself COULD try to knock Barack Obama off, but I don't see that working for them, either. They tried with the crazy white bitch in Montana (and yes, I was CONVINCED that it would turn out to be Psycho-Cunt & her hubby Useless, until I saw actual mugshots), en route to Colorado, but thankfully, some state trooper actually did her/his job right and got ahold of the Secret Service. I will be worried about Mr. & Mrs. Obama's personal health as long as he is in office, honestly. When you're surrounded by bigoted pieces of shit who make ASSASSINATION "JOKES" ON THE DAY AFTER THE INAUGURATION, while they're ON THE JOB AT THE PHYSICAL THERAPIST'S, you really do believe that some moron will REALLY try to hurt them. Not just him, but her, too, as NOBODY in the republicunt redneck recidivist world could EVER deal with the concept of another Eleanor Roosevelt. Sure, sure, Biden's the Vice-President, but imagine if Michelle got her hands on the reins...
Hey, I like the woman, I'd dig the HELL out of HER being our next president. And I'd be a helluva lot more excited to have HER as the first Woman President than I was over Hillary for the job. Deal with it. But if the freaks really try to hurt Barack, they'll be taking Michelle out, too. That is one threatening woman, to a country chock-full of viagra-craving, no-dick, no-balls, no-guts, no-brains, misogynistic, hate-mongering old white geezers who were NOT hippies in any sense of the word. She is their worst fucking nightmare. So maybe I'm worrying too much, but look at where I live. And you can betcherass that I care every bit as much, if not more, about what happens to Michelle as I do for Barack.

PBJ is still, to him and Timmy Teepell and the Louisiana Republicunts, in it to win it, that nomination in 2012, of course. He's doing fundraisers, on state time, on state planes & helicopters, wth state troopers doing security (JUST LIKE HIS IDOL DUMBYA THE LEGACY-BOY, HE'S GONNA SPEND US INTO A HOLE, DOING "FUND-RAISING" FOR HIMSELF AND OTHER REPUBLICUNT WEASELS. How in the living FUCK is that shit even REMOTELY "LEGAL," much less "ETHICAL"?!??!?!?!?); on the CBS-affiliate republicunt Baton Redneck Republicunt Rouge "TV station," his LAMER & LIMPER THAN HIS OWN TEENY PEENY "jokes," at which the menopausal bimbo "anchor" guffaws & titters like he's CARROT-TOP {well, just as ugly; to beige-brained bimbos on republicunt propaganda machines, Carrot-Top is comedic GENIUS} --- those 'jokes' are not doing him ANY fucking "favors."
Oh, he's so BRAVE, our illlustrious gubner, to face that "unfair librul criticism" for his face-plant worldwide-broadcast speech and to MOCK HIMSELF IN THE PROCESS! How ORIGINAL! Nobody's EVER laughed at their CRITICS before, let alone THEIR OWN FAILINGS/FOIBLES/WEAKNESSES!!! He's so fucking BRILLIANT!!!

Smell the flop sweat yet, kids? It's getting mighty rank around here.

This gutting of my Medicaid benefits is not a reaction/backlash b/c of his face-plant, it's been in the works since DAY ONE, when he took the oath WITH HIS FAKE NAME and his daddy's dark skin never allowed on-camera. One Indian tradition that I think the Jindal family turned upon its head, whilst still clinging, in a technical sense, if no other, is the DOWRY. Oh, no, there'll never be a "kitchen fire" for Supriya, she is far too valuable, too beautiful, too connected, too wealthy, too "good" to have HER family pay HIS for the privilege of marrying Genocidal Jindal. I think, as I've said before, that HIS family had to shell-out BIG-TIME in order to "convince" Supriya, a beautiful, pretty intelligent (she's no Michelle Obama, by a long shot), HEAVILY CAUCASIAN-LOOKING, delicately-built, silken-haired, strong-voiced, maleable & productive Indian-American supermodel, to marry THAT CRITTER. And it would require video documentation (no, *I* won't be watching it, I've got ENOUGH horrific pictures & flashbacks in my head!), notarized depositions, and more, to convince me that Supriya & Genocidal Jindal's offspring (for THEY, truly, DESERVE to have it all, to live long and healthy lives, because they were BORN TO MONEY AND SOME MEASURE OF POWER, whereas my brain-damaged great-niece and heart-damaged great-nephew should DIE of medical neglect, thanks to REPUBLICUNTS WHO GUT MEDICAID; there's only SO MUCH that St. Jude's & Shriner's & Lion's Club hospitals can do.) WERE NOT THE PRODUCT OF TEST TUBES AND PETRI DISHES.

There's no way in hell that a girl as stuck on herself as Supriya is going to close her eyes and think of England whilst being boned/humped/unsatisfied by that bony, fugly, creepy, catechism-speaking-in-tongues, nasty little critter. I don't care WHERE his ancestry originated, I don't give a fuck how brown and/or khaki-colored he is (though it pisses me of on SEVERAL levels that we are always shown HIS VERY WHITE MOTHER, BUT ***NEVER*** HIS EVEN-DARKER-THAN-PBJ FATHER, the man who bought him the Gubner's Mansion), I don't even care what a psychotically, sociopathically CULT-OBSESSED BIGOT that he is, there will never be enough money printed upon this planet to make me believe that ANYBODY ANYWHERE, even necrophiliacs who thrive on bony corpses, would EVER wanna fuck THAT. I've been plenty drunk in my day, and I've brought home more than one triple-bagger boy (don't believe that movie myth that the ugly guys are "better people" than pretty boys; the guys you meet in one-night stands are all equally devoid of personality & character; occasionally you meet one with a personality, whether he's fugly or gorgeous, but rarely will you meet a NICE, GOOD PERSON while you're fucking them and can't remember their name) AND a triple-bagger girl or two.

But they will NEVER create/manufacture/distill enough chemicals/pharmaceutical poisons/alcohol/acid/shrooms/weed/nicotine/any other mind-altering substance to EVER have me even VAGUELY consider fucking GENOCIDAL JINDAL. Even a fat, crippled, bitter old bitch like me has to have SOME standards.

And as trite as it may sound, the ugliness on his outside TRULY reflects the ugliness on his inside, just like those racist Olde European/Germanic "Fairy Tales" always maintained. It rarely is reflected in real life, no matter what the proto-"Aryans" wanted to believe, 'cause I've known (and done) some BEAUTIFUL boys & girls who had the dessicated souls that would make mAnn Coulter look like Ann Richards. But in Genocidal Jindal's case (and I'm going to use that as often as I can, so that Google will eventually turn it into a "catch phrase"/"search result/parameter" that will drive him absofuckinglutely BATSHIT-CRAZY), it's the only way to TRULY describe the freakshow that is PBJ. He HATES poor people FOR BEING POOR, especially if they've never had even the tiniest opportunity to get a toe in the door, and he believes that they should either be treated as The Untouchables or eliminated from the earth entirely.

As I said when the form letter arrived, they start out "subtle." So did Hitler. Class warfare has now been elevated to Auschwitcz level. It won't come back to something resembling "humanity" until we are shed of the bigots, silver-spoon haters, and other Genocidal Maniacs are out of this country and hopefully off of this planet. But I don't have the patience or the resources to wait for natural causes. War Crimes convictions & hasty hangings would be highly preferred to any other "ultimate solution."

How often have Annti's predictions been wrong, when it comes to politics, especially Louisiana The Guinea Pig Cancer-Alley Test Lab politics? Follow the money, diagnose the ideology, and there you have it. We cannot let this continue to progress at its current pace, or several thousand poor & disabled people, and not just in Louisiana, will be dead before the end of the year, and they won't have a "natural disaster" lie to cover it with, but they won't be brought to account, either. History is written by those who turn on the gas at the human-sized ovens, as well as those who enable those mass-murderers to run free in the name of "science." When the guinea pigs & lab rats are people, it's not science, it's LSU Medical Corporation, it's Earl K. Long & Charity Hospital's worst carpetbaggers, it's Katrina.

Friday, March 27, 2009

In less emergent news...

I should've mentioned this sooner, but Mentis playing FROGGER in the car park kinda diverted my attention.

2 retail exams, plus x-rays, and guess what we learned about the innards of my two spoiled-rotten, sublimely-overweight feline overlords?

Still owe the vet $75 after all of the kind and generous donations of Scott (WO'C), Unidiversal Susan & my Olympia bud Tom. And guess what we've learned after a month of barely-eating, barely-shitting, and lethargically ripping my heart out through my nose with worry?

BUPKIS. I shit y'all not, and in this case, I mean that literally. THERE WAS NOTHING IN THERE. No visible growths, bleeding, leakage, giant clog of festering hairballs plugging-up the works or any other forms of cloggage. Clean as the prototypical whistle, if it were wrapped in 16 or 20 pounds of gelatinous, hairy cat. (go ahead, guys, make the "gelatinous, hairy CAT" jokes now, I don't mind, I'm too tired...) I spent a large chunk of the donation money on acquiring the non-gourmet canned food recommended by another vet of long acquaintance (but who no longer actually PRACTICES, as he's found a way to get twit yuppies to pay him $300/hour to do PHONE CONSULTATIONS over what macrobiotic diet they should be feeding their peekapoos or weinerdoodles or what the fuck ever the Boutique-Of-The-Week pet that they've got!) and a big-assed bag of dry food for the outdoor cats/semi-ferals here @ L'Hotel du Fucktards. Everything else, I gave to Dr. Liz, and I'm still in debt up to my tits. Have run out of laundry quarters to buy cigarettes, too.

BUT IT WAS STILL WORTH IT. I'm sorry to have dragged the rest of y'all along with me, in my trying-not-to-break-down-crying-like-a-dumbassed-sot-with-worry freakout, not to mention having made a huge dent in several people's pocketbooks, only to find out that the damned cats are FINE, but to still have no explanation as to WHY they skeered the shit outta ME for a month. When I can, I'm gonna try to find somebody to scan the x-rays into a computer for me, so y'all can see my fatassed cats from the inside, as there's apparently nothing in there more dangerous than high cholesterol and one hairball that's congealed since I stopped the hairball treats.

The food-to-output ratio is still bizarrely out of joint, and yes, FALLEN UTERUS (metaphorically, I would NEVER inflict HER or HER KIND upon Y'ALL, 'cause Y'ALL actually LOVE ME), I *have* looked into and under every piece of furniture, nook, cranny & hidey-hole in all 420 square feet of my cell here @ L'Hotel du Fucktards AND HAVE NOT FOUND ONE SINGLE FURTIVE, STRAY, OR HIDDEN CAT TURD. 'Cause of COURSE, I couldn't possibly have SMELLED IT ON MY OWN, RIGHT. Couldn't be more thrilled, as the lights go on and off twice in 18 hours, for MERE THUNDERSTORMS, that those fat illiterate, hate-filled bastards gave me all of a WEEK to find a fucking PLACE TO LIVE before they put my shit out onto the street.

And despite their "family" legend (LIE) that I'm THE filthiest, most-unworthy excuse for a "woman" on the fucking planet (as I do NOT equate hausfrau "work" with "MORAL WORTH," and can think of a BILLION TRILLION THINGS THAT I'D RATHER DO, than worry about what OTHER MOTHERFUCKERS "THINK" of the way that I decorate, cook, store, think, act, speak, emote, express, or BE. They won't eat the meals I've cooked for their ignorant, ungrateful, arrogant-enough-to-attempt-condescension, palate-of-a-dead-GOAT ASSES, they rarely if ever set foot into my "filthy hovel" here @ the CRACK WHORE & CHILD-MOLESTER GHETTO where THEY FORCED ME TO LIVE, and amongst them and their obese gang of useless-as-tits-on-a-boar-hog pseudo "thugs" {playground bullies, minus the vocabulary}, the "family story" is that *I* am "the disgusting one. Remind me to post pictures as references, y'all might lose yer lunches.), it is not actually the case. Y'all have seen the pictures, y'all know me, you decide who might be lying their fat, ass-licking pustulent faces off.

ANYWAY, the cats ARE eating now, especially demanding the canned food, even though the dry food has more nutritive value, greens, and fiber, they're putting out SOME "output," they're moving more often than the tectonic plates now, and even SPEAKING on rare occasions (generally as I'm opening the canned food), which they never do here @ L'Hotel du Fucktards. I've grown them a fresh batch of kitty-grass, and they are tearing that shit UP. So I'd say that the prognosis is good, but their aging has thrown us a curve ball, or a left-handed U-ey on Tulane Avenue in afternoon-drive traffic, and that it'll take at least as long to get them back up to par as it did for them to get into this situation, what EVER in the FUCK it is/was/shall be.

Thank y'all all again and again, and as useless as it is to say it, if I ever hit that damned powerball, we are gonna RAISE SOME HELL, have no doubt. I'm tempted to put the old farts outside to duke it out with Lex Luthor & Bob, for having yanked me like that, but not in this weather, they're too old & wussified for that. As am I.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

...and in the EVEN MORE FUN department... part 2

... Instead of hocking-up those nasty, slimy, turd-looking wads of pure disgusting as their highly-inefficient digestive systems are supposed to do, the mineral oil & other stuff in the hairball-treatment treats are supposed to shove the hairballs down into the digestive system, so that they wind-up semi-digested and in the litterbox, instead of cold & slimy on your floor, right where you put your foot when you get out of bed in the morning or afternoon. And apparently, after 11-plus years of these things, and then being moved back indoors when transferred here to L'Hotel du Fucktards, despite the multiple supplements, indoor treats, and overpriced cat-grass-growing kits, they've formed some sort of hairball PLUG somewhere in their digestive tracts.

I'm at my wit's end, I've tried everything from low-power dulcolax to vegetable oil to salad greens to things you do NOT want me to describe. Aging sucks, in other words. And not just for humans. And while my vet's office has been kind enough to give me advice over the phone, I don't think that that's going to be enough. I don't want my babies to wind-up dying like that beautiful orange-sherbet-colored boy who was starved & run-over by a car, because I'm not a veterinarian.
I am going to try to get them to the LSU Vet School, (the heroic people who did SO much good work during & after Katrina) to see if they have sliding-scale rates for people on fixed incomes, because they have x-ray equipment and other technology not readily available up here in Hillbilly HellHole. The last thing I need right now is to lose my chirrens. They've hardly eaten over the past 2.5 weeks, they've not produced anything but urine and tiny BBs of solid waste, and that is not a good thing. Sorry to gross y'all out with the cat details, I do understand that not everybody on the innernets is a cat person or ever wants to know anything ABOUT a cat's digestive system or the grosser aspects of cats with Maine Coon blood in 'em.

And yes, I've noticed how often I've pan-handled for help over the past six months, and it is not something that I'm proud of, by any means. If I could get a part-time job just to subsidize my cats and the semi-ferals outside (who've run out of food early this month and are now eating into Biddy & Boy's food), believe me, I'd do it in a fucking heartbeat. As soon as I can get my neck surgically fixed. Yeah, we've got ANOTHER one coming up, so y'all M.O.B. bloggers who've been taking it easy around here better get off yer asses pretty shortly and start contributing, 'cause Annti won't be around as much, after we get it scheduled somewhere OTHER THAN Our Lady Of Perpetual Bigotry. "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me, fool me three times... well, you can't get fooled again." So to speak.

Thanks for listening/reading, and as always, for being my friends. Your help has never been forgotten or taken for granted. I wish that I could promise to pay all of y'all back, but barring a powerball hit, I don't see that happening in the foreseeable future.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Happy motherfucking tenth anniversary, you cocksucking crack whore.

I'm moving half of the M.O.B. post over here, in order to make more room for others to post. Here it is, along with a very prescient link (thanks to Mentis) about what Murkin teenagers "think" about the Rihanna-V-Chris-Teh-Little-Bitch-Brown-BEAT-DOWN. Yup, we've raised a whoooooole assload of geniuses, I hope that every one of you fucking breeders is PROUD of your cunt-spooge. You've taught them that women don't count for SHIT, except as PROPERTY OF MEN. Nice job.

Yes, it happened to me, to Anntichrist S. Coulter, before I WAS Anntichrist S. Coulter, back when I was still the Rantress of the Faubourg Marigny and the Maple Leaf uptown. Right after the sarcoidosis diagnosis and the brain-poisoning of a prednisone & vicodin cocktail, I met that lowlife piece of shit. I was stupid. I was stubborn. I saw it coming, but lied to myself that I was "tough enough" to handle it. Hell, I didn't even know that the motherfucker was ON CRACK, I thought that he was just a REALLY BAD ALCOHOLIC, and fuck, I'd dealt with alcoholics all of my fucking life!

So for every woman AND every man who thinks that it can NEVER happen to them, gay, straight, transgender, bisexual, whatever, HERE'S PROOF THAT IT CAN. And those little bubble-brained republicunt biatches of Access Hollywood can suck my euphemistic cock for their condescending attempt at "Relationship Violence Awareness Month," what the fuck ever they're calling it. It's more like watching vultures pick at the bones of the dead, as they get their voyeuristic little chubbies, not talking about SELF-DEFENSE, or HOW TO AVOID THIS SHIT, but merely by playing-back old interview clips of celebrity women who'd been beaten in the past. And yes, there are about twelve different sexual paraphilias about getting wood over seeing women with giant bruises and other physical damage, and to me, that's what "AH" is doing. They're doing a big ol' circle-jerk over these women's lacerations and broken bones, and calling it "activism."

Remind me later to show y'all the form letter that the little cunts sent me, THREE WEEKS AFTER THE FACT, because I'd written a nice little hissy-fit to their website over that little pocket-sized republicunt blow-pop-head Billy Bush AUTOMATICALLY DEFENDING CHRIS MOTHERFUCKING BROWN.
And when I have the attention span, I intend to post the rants & poems that I wrote after it happened to me. Share this link with your friends, because FAKERS have no right to claim that they "give a fuck" about domestic violence, ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY'RE NOT TEACHING A FUCKING THING, but making an assload of money off of it.

(And yes, I'd give both of my gravitationally-challenged tits to see my queen, Tina Turner, kick the living shit out of the aforementioned pocket-sized blow-pop-headed republicunt boy. She's too classy to do it, I know, she's got too much of a LIFE to bother with his type, but I'd still love to see it happen.)
(Original M.O.B. Storage Space post follows)

These are the evidenciary photos that made sure that the aforementioned cocksucking crack whore did more than "probation and counseling," since I was the first woman who actually PRESSED CHARGES on that schizophrenic piece of shit (yeah, apparently, I attract them like Lenny & Squiggy attracted women "like a maggot!"). He'd beaten numerous others before me, as to him, women were only created to support slimebags like him whilst they are going out to suck dicks to support their crack habits. But somehow, none of them ever bothered to send his ass to jail. Not that he hadn't enjoyed the hospitality of Orleans Parish Prison before, some of his favorite boyfriends & massahs were there, and I'm sure that it was a joyous reunion when he went back for the gigantic NINE MONTHS that he did for trying to KILL ME, as the State Of Louisiana didn't even bother to ARRAIGN HIM for STEALING MY FUCKING CAR AND DESTROYING THE TRANSMISSION, as they had, and I fucking quote, "MORE IMPORTANT cases to worry about." They gave the little bitch a SUSPENDED SENTENCE for the car theft & destruction, he was never even called before a judge, nor did the state do ITS fucking job of NOTIFYING ME as to the dispensation of the fucking case. They never even CALLED ME to find out WHAT ACTUALLY WENT DOWN, or that he'd tried to MURDER ME before he stole my fucking car AND my Pentax camera.

Today is the 10th anniversary of said beat-down, and anybody who thinks that I've wasted space here or on M.O.B., talking about Rihanna and that misogynistic little closet-case Chris Brown, can just keep scrolling down and see why domestic violence IS WORTH TALKING ABOUT.

I was on steroids and vicodins when I met this piece of shit at the Dungeon. I'd gained 30 pounds in the first month on prednisone, and had had a horrible night at the Dragon's Den, because most of the regular crowd had gone "home" for the "holidays," and some fatuous, drunk little woman-hating frat-boy had made a point of clapping over me as I was reading my poem/rant for the week, because obviously, to show respect for the people onstage would make him somehow "less important." Gee, I wonder why his mommy & daddy didn't want HIS little hatemongering ass at home for the "holidays"...
Anyway, it only took a few weeks for this to happen. I tried to ditch him all night and all morning, but he wouldn't go the fuck away. And being fragile and chemically-fucked, I took that as a compliment, when I should've realized that he was no more than a fucking barnacle. Whilst the rest of New Orleans was enjoying their Twelfth Night frivolities, I was almost-believing the shuck-and-jive bullshit from this illiterate freak. I didn't buy his cover story, it was TOO fucking ridiculous, but everybody at my job thought that I *was* that fucking stupid. I just didn't fucking CARE. I was lonesome and, again, chemically stupid; I just liked having a housepet.

The most humiliating part isn't that he tried to beat me to death while I was flat on my back in the bed (in my pitch-darkened bedroom, as I was working overnights), talking to my Nannie on the phone. It is what started her on her way to a death of colon cancer, but it's not the most humiliating part. It's the part that ages me every fucking day of my life, because I will never stop missing her, but it's not the most humiliating part.

Nope, the most humiliating part was that I saw all of the fucking signs of domestic abuse, of oncoming violence, COMING RIGHT AT ME LIKE A TWO-ENGINE LOCOMOTIVE, and ignored them.

I was "tough enough" to handle this. I was stronger (mentally, anyway) than him, that stereotypical Lifetime network movie-of-the-week shit didn't apply to ME. I've been through hard, horrific shit all of my life, there was nothing that this dork could throw at me that I couldn't "handle."

Or so I thought.

These are only the face & head injuries. I've never scanned the other evidenciary photos into my computer because they're way too fucking private. Let's just say that there are parts of the body that should NEVER be hurt.

So for those bobble-headed twinkies at Access Hollywood and every other tabloid douchebag who IMMEDIATELY DEFENDED that little cocksucker Chris Brown, LOOK AT THESE FUCKING PICTURES AND TELL ME HOW RIHANNA "DESERVED IT." Tell me how in the fuck that I fucking "deserved" this shit. Yeah, I *was* stupid. I was stubborn. I lost my last radio job because of this psychotic fuck THREATENING MY CO-WORKERS. But I have never done ANYTHING to "deserve" THIS. No woman or man ever has, when it comes from some lying scumbag, especially when that scumbag is a fucking JUNKIE (I had never been around crack whores in my own HOUSE before, I thought that he was just a really bad alcoholic, and hell, I GREW UP WITH THAT.) who pretends to "love" them.


And a pox upon the heads of every cocksucker and lowlife bitch who "convinced" (bullied) Rihanna to "reunite" with that little bitch-boy Brown. May you all die of a flaming case of rotchercockoff, you record-label scum, management weasels, and other assorted douchebags of the "entertainment" industry.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Late-night ruminations upon Teh Octopussy & other destructions of womanhood...

Well, it's pretty easy to figure out WHY "Access Hollywood" (predatory fucking VULTURES that they are, the republicunt blow-pop-headed motherfuckers) "refused" to keep reporting on every dribble to ooze out of Octopussy's HOV-Lane cunt. Because "Entertainment Tonight" got the EXCLUSIVE. Every single motherfucking day, they are subjecting the public to that pretentious, ignorant-assed, sociopathic, fetish-obsessed, plastic-surgery-mutant, phony-assed FREAK.

I can NOT be the only person who's noticed how much Nadya's fake voice (I dunno whom she hired for "elocution lessons," but they RIPPED HER THE FUCK OFF) SOUNDS LIKE A HALF-ASSED, LOW-RENT IMPRESSION OF CAROL CHANNING!???!?! I finally figured it out, THAT'S why her enunciation is SO fucking CREEPY!!! Carol should sue. Though Octopussy should have already sued her strip-mall plastic "surgeons" for those giant vagina-lips on her rearranged face.

And the last comment on the pop-culture paparazzi parasites: "Access Hollywood" has instituted, first time ever, "Abuse Awareness Month," as a cover for their bone-pickingly prurient JOY at discussing the Rihanna beat-down and none-too-subtle SUPPORT for that woman-beating little closet-case BITCH Chris Brown.

This has nothing to do with STOPPING domestic violence, it is not intended to TEACH ANYONE how to recognize and get the fuck OUT of an abusive relationship, it is nothing but getting-their-sick-twisted-rocks-off-on-hospital-pictures voyeurism. They run 10 to 20-second clips of various celebrities (and the gawdess/force of nature known as Tina Turner) "confessing" their "abuse stories," but do they put it into any kind of context, or even try to make those VERY random clips somehow RELEVANT to what that little girl Rihanna is going through? Fuck no. It's just another parasitic-bottom-feeder frothing-at-the-mouth feeding frenzy, getting little chubbies over pictures of women with bruised, swollen, lacerated, and bleeding faces. And yes, there IS a distinct sexual-paraphilia definition for that sexual fetish, and a former "friend," a stealth sexist who fooled me for a LONG damned time, made sure to take THIRTY POLAROID PHOTOS of his own wife's face after she'd had sinus/nose/septum surgery, BECAUSE HE GOT HARD OVER THE BRUISES. I shit y'all not. Why I didn't follow my gut and get way the fuck away from that platonic prick, I have no idea. It was the 1990s, we were supposed to be "tolerant" of EVERYBODY'S kinks, whether they were healthy/humane or not. Supposedly.

Anyway, back to there's-nothing-the-fuck-on-over-the-rabbit-ears department: That little toy-sized, blow-pop-headed republicunt misogynist Billy Bush was EVER so pompous and holier-than-thou about "dropping" the Octopussy coverage, and YET, the very fucking NIGHT OF the beat-down that the little PRISON BITCH Chris Brown put on Rihanna, HE (Bush) was the FIRST MOTHERFUCKER ON EARTH to AUTOMATICALLY ASSUME that the "man" (man, my ass!) was RIGHT and that the "girl" (his word) was TRYING TO RUIN CHRIS BROWN'S MOTHERFUCKING CAREER.

Yeah, thaaaaaaaaaaaaat's why she almost lost a retina, will probably have to have reconstructive surgery, and pressed the fucking charges. To fuck up HIS career. Y'all just wait and watch: if she goes back to him, they'll probably ENCOURAGE it, the media, the record labels, the radio douchebags, insisting that she APOLOGIZE to him for calling the cops. If the sickening supermarket tabloid "magazines" are lying, as always, and she DOESN'T go back to that woman-hating little maggot, then SHE is the one who'll be BLACKBALLED off of her label and out of the business. Y'all just wait. Yes, Tina overcame her enslavement to Ike, and became a thousand times the SUPERSTAR that that old chitlin-circuit PIG could ever even ASPIRE TO; because she was TINA FUCKING TURNER. Just anybody would never achieve what she has, because far too many women will never achieve her level of wisdom, drive, or character. I can only hope that her example will help spare other women her pain.

Whatever happens to Rihanna, I hope that she is safe, that she has LEARNED from this, and that she will NEVER let that dog-fucking piece of shit back into her life, ever the fuck again. I hope that she gets the medical and psychological/emotional treatment that she surely needs, to have stayed with that abusive fuck THIS LONG (the Grammys beat-down was NOT the first, nor was she the first woman he ever hit). I don't know how she was raised, or what kind of world she grew up in, but I hope to FUCK AND BACK that her Mama or Aunt or friends or SOMEBODY will explain to her just how fucking special, precious, and valuable that she and her life ARE, and that NO motherfucker, no matter how rich or connected or whatever he is, NO MOTHERFUCKER IS WORTH SACRIFICING YOUR VERY FUCKING LIFE. Period.

When it happened to me, the love died the minute that his fist made contact. I got one helluva beatdown, but I dealt out a good few shots my damned shelf, once my lungs & skull stopped screaming and my leg came up to kick the motherfucker off of me. I hope, that for Rihanna, that her youth and her obvious craving for male attention/approval will not hold her back, the way that it has Formerly Blonde Niece, who sacrificed her child's life/brain/spinal cord to an abusive green-card douchebag piece of shit. They (she and oldest niece) grew up watching their "father" and Psycho-Cunt mother duking it out, fists through walls, fists into faces, furniture flying, you fucking name it, FOR SIXTEEN FUCKING YEARS. I've done everything that I could to teach all of those girls (including their cousins) THAT IT ISN'T SUPPOSED TO BE THAT WAY. Obviously, I have been a very poor example, judging from some of the girls' taste in/dependency upon males (they are NOT "men") who have to keep them on the short leash, forever humiliated and abused. That's why this Rihanna thing pisses me off so much --- not just because of the slimy, parasitic, predatory, perverted fucking way that "teh pop culture" are manipulating the story and the situation --- but because that little girl could easily be one of my nieces. She deserves way the fuck better, and so do they.

And I hope that Harvey Levin, Billy Bush, Mary Hart, Maria Menunos, all of those fucking NEMATODES, die of long, slow, painful, invasive deaths of ass cancer and disintegrating bones. They sure as HELL don't possess hearts or spines, the greedy whores.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

As if we needed FURTHER proof that HUMANS FUCKING ***SUCK***...

There's this:

Found this pretty boy when I went out today to feed the semi-ferals here @ L'Hotel du Fucktards; somebody had dumped him in the parking lot, and he'd dragged himself over to the bushes @ the property line. Shattered right hip joint, huge to-the-bone cut on front paw, highly infected, obviously some dickhead hit him with a car. But the worst part is that he's been STARVED FOR MONTHS, you can SEE every bone in his body, but he's totally tame and affectionate and purred the whole time I've held him and tended to him. He wasn't thrilled when I soaked him in the kitchen sink (warm salt water), to get all of the dried blood, feces & mud out of his wounds & fur, not to mention half of the fucking ticks on the PLANET, and it breaks my heart when I make him cry, but it had to be done. No idea what in the fuck to do now, sure as hell can't afford to take him to the vet, and she does NOT do pro-bono work. Hoping that Elaine, the other Cat Haven lady, can take him, as she has some good vets who might tend to him for cheap or free.

Have I mentioned that humans fucking SUCK?!?!?!?!?!!!!

Not only did some sociopathic psycho-cunt STARVE THIS SWEET, LOVING CAT FOR ***MONTHS***, they fucking RAN HIM OVER, and when THAT didn't kill him, they DITCHED HIM *HERE,* FOR ME, as always, TO CLEAN UP THEIR FUCKING MESS.
This is not a feral cat, this is an indoor cat, who's been raised by people and lived with people for the majority of his life. He's at least 7 years old, judging from his teeth, so he's NEVER been treated right. When you can not only FEEL the bones but SEE THEM POKING UP THROUGH HIS FUR, he's been TORTURED. Enclosed, starved, and utterly bereft of comfort or security. It's not bad enough that we have sick motherfuckers in this country (and yes, especially in this STATE) who will trade their kids for a fucking COCKATOO, who will kill TODDLERS and DROP THEM INTO A RUBBERMAID CONTAINER AND THROW HER INTO THE FUCKING GULF OF MEXICO, oh, no, that's not enough for the SEVERELY DERANGED INBRED MOUTH-BREATHING REDNECK REPUBLICUNT MOTHERFUCKERS TO GET THEIR SADISTIC ROCKS OFF. No, they have to use ANIMALS as fucking TARGETS. Look into this boy's eyes: Even in this much pain, before I could even medicate him, he's got nothing but love to give.

I retired from the cat bidness for a fucking REASON, and that reason is that I'm not "allowed" to hunt-down and torture to death the paramecium-brained CUM-FARTS who DO THIS TO HELPLESS ANIMALS.

I'm not a vet, dammit, I am not trained nor equipped nor fiscally able to take care of injuries like this. I just hope that I've been able to comfort him and take away some of the pain for a little while, until I can find somebody who can truly fix him up. I'M A LIBERAL ARTS MAJOR, GAWDDAMMIT, I AM NOT TRAINED FOR THIS SHIT. And it's the RESPONSIBILITY of the parish, the town, and the gawddamned CASTE-SYSTEM *STATE* TO TAKE CARE OF ANIMALS, not broke-ass nobodies like me. But of course, here in Hillbilly HellHole, NOBODY GIVES A FUCK ABOUT ANIMALS, THEY'RE JUST HERE FOR THE MOUTH-BREATHERS' AMUSEMENT, or the dick-substitute/enhancement of KILLING THEM to supposedly "eat," when 90% of the yuppie-scum hunters who come up here from Baton Redneck Republicunt Rouge are TROPHY HUNTERS who just wanna get drunk and shoot guns. Far be it from any of THOSE motherfuckers to try and TAKE CARE OF ANIMALS, nor the mayor, nor the D.A., nor the idiotic excuse for "cops" who don't even know that THERE ARE LAWS AGAINST ANIMAL CRUELTY ON THE FUCKING ***BOOKS***. And don't even get me fucking STARTED on the embezzling, slave-labor-exploiting, alcoholic-moron "SHERIFF." Cocksuckers.

Anyway, that's all the rant I have time for tonight, I gotta do a full-body tick-check and take a long, hot bath. I didn't see any spotted ticks on the injured cat, but you can't take any chances, and I'm sure as HELL not going to let MY babies get infested. Here are the rest of the pictures, before and after my meager attempts at first-aid. And yes, there's a point to the recycled plastic grocery bag: He wouldn't let me keep his back leg in the sling, in order to immobilize the shattered or dislocated hip, so I put the sling back on, taped it together, and then tied the whole hindquarter up in the plastic bag, to keep him from pulling the sling (a hospital tie-on ice pack being repurposed). Cats fucking HATE to have plastic in their mouths, they hate plastic period, unless it's a toy that they can gut, so I'm hoping that the bag will keep him from aggravating that hip joint and the lacerated foot. The front foot is well-bandaged and doused in neosporin, and he doesn't seem to be messing with it or gnawing it off, so hopefully the wound won't abscess while it's bandaged.

If y'all EVER catch anybody doing this to a cat or dog or gnu or zebra or whatever, KILL THOSE LOWLIFE MOTHERFUCKERS FOR ME. Way too many fertile cats & dogs in this country, but far MORE too many EVIL, ANIMAL-TORTURING SO-CALLED "HUMANS", and we need to thin THEIR fucking herds.

And yes, I know that human beings the world over are having as bad or worse inflicted upon them by the oil-company thugs of Blackwater, Halliburton, Shaw Group, Bechtel, jack-leg "mercenaries," genocidal maniacs, pirates, illegitimate "governments," and worse. I know that there are millions of people, men, women and children, in damned near every country on this planet, who are being tortured, exploited, raped, mutilated, murdered, and even worse than THAT, every fucking day that rolls around. I do not say that their suffering, the injustice that they suffer, is in any way less than or less important than the beastly inhumanities that I have seen truly demented motherfuckers inflict upon animals. But right now, this is what's in my lap. I haven't read a paper today or any news headlines, and couldn't give a flying frog fuck about what Piyush and his offspring are doing at motherfucking DisneyWorld right now. I'm so fucking enraged, and still feel completely helpless, because I don't have the money to get this poor boy's injuries fixed, and because THERE IS ***NO*** ANIMAL CONTROL IN THIS NOW-"BEDROOM COMMUNITY" REPUBLICUNT SUBURB THAT ISN'T EVOLVED ENOUGH TO GIVE A FUCK ABOUT ANIMALS, BUT THEY CAN BUILD A TACKY-ASSED NEW SUBDIVISION EVERY GAWDDAMNED WEEK. Clear-cutting primeval forests to build another fucking Walgreen's? Hey, no problem. Re-zoning and destroying poor people's homes in order to widen U.S. 61 to make life MORE CONVENIENT for the newly-fled yuppie scum of Baton Rouge to return to their Hillbilly HellHole McMansions? You betcha!

But to give a fuck about animals who have been deliberately starved, abused, mutilated, murdered or damned close? Nope, sorry, we just don't give a fuck. Period. It's not that the town, the parish and the state DON'T HAVE THE MONEY, it's just NOT IN THEIR GROWTH PLANS. Financing expansions for fucking CHURCHES, so that they can re-enact the Spanish Inquisition on homeless people or poor people who just need a fucking MEAL? Oh, sure, why not?! Actually GIVING A FUCK ABOUT ANYBODY OUTSIDE OF THE TARGET YUPPIE-SCUM DEMOGRAPHIC? Impossible.

I don't imagine that anybody wonders anymore why I've been trying to get outta here for 38 years, huh.