Yes, it happened to me, to Anntichrist S. Coulter, before I WAS Anntichrist S. Coulter, back when I was still the Rantress of the Faubourg Marigny and the Maple Leaf uptown. Right after the sarcoidosis diagnosis and the brain-poisoning of a prednisone & vicodin cocktail, I met that lowlife piece of shit. I was stupid. I was stubborn. I saw it coming, but lied to myself that I was "tough enough" to handle it. Hell, I didn't even know that the motherfucker was ON CRACK, I thought that he was just a REALLY BAD ALCOHOLIC, and fuck, I'd dealt with alcoholics all of my fucking life!
So for every woman AND every man who thinks that it can NEVER happen to them, gay, straight, transgender, bisexual, whatever, HERE'S PROOF THAT IT CAN. And those little bubble-brained republicunt biatches of Access Hollywood can suck my euphemistic cock for their condescending attempt at "Relationship Violence Awareness Month," what the fuck ever they're calling it. It's more like watching vultures pick at the bones of the dead, as they get their voyeuristic little chubbies, not talking about SELF-DEFENSE, or HOW TO AVOID THIS SHIT, but merely by playing-back old interview clips of celebrity women who'd been beaten in the past. And yes, there are about twelve different sexual paraphilias about getting wood over seeing women with giant bruises and other physical damage, and to me, that's what "AH" is doing. They're doing a big ol' circle-jerk over these women's lacerations and broken bones, and calling it "activism."
Remind me later to show y'all the form letter that the little cunts sent me, THREE WEEKS AFTER THE FACT, because I'd written a nice little hissy-fit to their website over that little pocket-sized republicunt blow-pop-head Billy Bush AUTOMATICALLY DEFENDING CHRIS MOTHERFUCKING BROWN.
And when I have the attention span, I intend to post the rants & poems that I wrote after it happened to me. Share this link with your friends, because FAKERS have no right to claim that they "give a fuck" about domestic violence, ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY'RE NOT TEACHING A FUCKING THING, but making an assload of money off of it.
(And yes, I'd give both of my gravitationally-challenged tits to see my queen, Tina Turner, kick the living shit out of the aforementioned pocket-sized blow-pop-headed republicunt boy. She's too classy to do it, I know, she's got too much of a LIFE to bother with his type, but I'd still love to see it happen.)
(Original M.O.B. Storage Space post follows)

Today is the 10th anniversary of said beat-down, and anybody who thinks that I've wasted space here or on M.O.B., talking about Rihanna and that misogynistic little closet-case Chris Brown, can just keep scrolling down and see why domestic violence IS WORTH TALKING ABOUT.
I was on steroids and vicodins when I met this piece of shit at the Dungeon. I'd gained 30 pounds in the first month on prednisone, and had had a horrible night at the Dragon's Den, because most of the regular crowd had gone "home" for the "holidays," and some fatuous, drunk little woman-hating frat-boy had made a point of clapping over me as I was reading my poem/rant for the week, because obviously, to show respect for the people onstage would make him somehow "less important." Gee, I wonder why his mommy & daddy didn't want HIS little hatemongering ass at home for the "holidays"...

The most humiliating part isn't that he tried to beat me to death while I was flat on my back in the bed (in my pitch-darkened bedroom, as I was working overnights), talking to my Nannie on the phone. It is what started her on her way to a death of colon cancer, but it's not the most humiliating part. It's the part that ages me every fucking day of my life, because I will never stop missing her, but it's not the most humiliating part.
Nope, the most humiliating part was that I saw all of the fucking signs of domestic abuse, of oncoming violence, COMING RIGHT AT ME LIKE A TWO-ENGINE LOCOMOTIVE, and ignored them.
I was "tough enough" to handle this. I was stronger (mentally, anyway) than him, that stereotypical Lifetime network movie-of-the-week shit didn't apply to ME. I've been through hard, horrific shit all of my life, there was nothing that this dork could throw at me that I couldn't "handle."
Or so I thought.
These are only the face & head injuries. I've never scanned the other evidenciary photos into my computer because they're way too fucking private. Let's just say that there are parts of the body that should NEVER be hurt.
So for those bobble-headed twinkies at Access Hollywood and every other tabloid douchebag who IMMEDIATELY DEFENDED that little cocksucker Chris Brown, LOOK AT THESE FUCKING PICTURES AND TELL ME HOW RIHANNA "DESERVED IT." Tell me how in the fuck that I fucking "deserved" this shit. Yeah, I *was* stupid. I was stubborn. I lost my last radio job because of this psychotic fuck THREATENING MY CO-WORKERS. But I have never done ANYTHING to "deserve" THIS. No woman or man ever has, when it comes from some lying scumbag, especially when that scumbag is a fucking JUNKIE (I had never been around crack whores in my own HOUSE before, I thought that he was just a really bad alcoholic, and hell, I GREW UP WITH THAT.) who pretends to "love" them.
And a pox upon the heads of every cocksucker and lowlife bitch who "convinced" (bullied) Rihanna to "reunite" with that little bitch-boy Brown. May you all die of a flaming case of rotchercockoff, you record-label scum, management weasels, and other assorted douchebags of the "entertainment" industry.
Whoa. I truly have no words. I DO have a friend who needs to see this. She has gone through one abusive relationship after another.
And each guy gets WORSE!
Baby Daddy #1 was all verbal abuse.
Loser #2 was verbal plus some twisted mind games and a bit of "shoving" (at least, that's all she TOLD me about).
Asshole #3 did all of the above PLUS kidnapping her, holding her hostage in his apartment, and called me while I was alone, on the air, threatening ME and then the dumbass called the STATION MANAGER at HOME and said I was harrassing HIM!!! (Needless to say, manager KNEW that was a load of crap. Police were there so fast the boy didn't have time to put his pants back on. Dumbass).
Worthless Prick #4 she MARRIED, even thought he did all the above (minus the station harrassment and kidnapping) plus, he was fond of throwing thisg at her and "slapping" her. (Again, as far as what she TOLD me. By this point, I think she started hiding thins from me...not sure).
Satan spawn #5....she's still with.
He's gone all out. Of what I KNOW, he's hit her numerous times, thrown her across the room (at LEAST once), and did SOMETHING that tore a HOLE in her UTERUS!!! He tried keeping her from going to the hospital by telling her that "None of the OTHER girls bled to death. Cross your legs, you'll be fine"
(WHAT he did/used, she refuses to tell me).
So here's my problem...WHAT can I do? Short of kidnapping her MYSELF (and don't think I haven't thought about it) I am at a loss.
I've known her since we were KIDS. And it's always the same thing. She's sick of it, she's leaving....and then.....she's back.
With this latest monster, she leabes him, tells me all he's done, and a few days later she's BACK! "I love him!", "oh Susan, you just don't understand him like I do!"
She'll go one and one about how "God brought him into her life", what a "Good Christian man he is". He's "misunderstood". "It's not his fault, he's had a hard life", ect, ect, ect.
Currently, she isn't speaking to me because I refused to go to a party at their apartment.
Truthfully? He scares me. He makes my skin crawl. I don't feel SAFE being around him.
Of course, now I fel like a wimp, but I really don't know what to do?
When I tell her family, she convinces them I'm overreacting. If I call the police, she denies it. HELL, she's posted BAIL for some of these losers!
Seriously Annti, how could she go through something like what YOU went through, and then defend him? Go BACK to the loser even! HOW???
Even though you ignored the signs for a time, you DID something when the time came.
What if HER time comes when I'm standing over her casket saying goodbye?
Oh, honey.
I wish to fuck and back that I knew what to tell you to do. I've had friends, nieces, etc., who've done the same thing, and none of them have EVER listened to me. I've tried to get them to run away and come crash here, but they never will. Why should they listen to ME, when I "don't even have a mayunn"??? To some women, hell, the majority of Murkin culture, you don't know nothin' 'bout nothin' unless you're ENSLAVED. And to a large extent, it's even worse if you're NOT A BREEDER.
Have you tried to sit down with her parents, and talk to them face-to-face, and see if THEY can reach her? I'm assuming that they were half-way decent parents, not psycho-cunts like mine. I don't know how to get through to her, honey, if she won't even listen to you.
I didn't have a lot of TRUE friends back then; had many casual acquaintances of the poetry scene, but they didn't give a fuck if they DID see anything. A couple of co-workers tried to show me what a lowlife fucktarded piece of shit that he was, but I didn't listen. Anybody who told me anything bad about him (ignoring, of course, the bigoted-redneck bullshit from the usual suspects, because they hated him purely for being multiracial, they had no idea how TRULY evil he was, all that mattered was that I had a MALE MASSAH TO RUN ME, which in their eyes, was a SERIOUS ACCOMPLISHMENT) --- anyway, anyone who told me to get the fuck out of it, I told them that I was "tough enough" to handle anything, even though I've had very few long-term "romantic" relationships, I've been through more than my fair share of men (and four women), I thought that I knew what the fuck I was doing.
Your friend is probably very much of the same mindset. She can "handle" it. If it were my friend, and he's still claiming to be such a "good xians," I'd contact his minister AND the police. They don't need to talk to her, they just need to know that you're not "harassing" his royal ass. Once you've exposed him for what he really is to his church/social world, he will show his hand. I just hope to fuck and back that that minister will get to her, and get it into her head, so that she can get out in time. Because when he does blow, he might kill her.
Not much of plan, or an ending, I know, but that's all I know how to do when I don't even know her. Nobody got through to me, I had to learn it on my own, but then, with me, it only took one attempted murder for me to get the fuck out. Sounds like she's survived multiple attempts on her life, genital mutilation/repeated rapes, and far, far worse than she's ever told you. She thinks that this is "love," that this is how "relationships" work. Maybe she learned it at home, maybe she never had self-esteem in the first place, I don't know.
Just don't give up on her, please. Don't stop caring about her because she makes deadly-stupid mistakes and "decisions." Oh, yeah, there were a couple people there for me AFTER the fact, but most of them bailed AS IT WAS HAPPENING. More than anything, she needs to know that you love her, apart from her stupidity/masochism with men. She needs to feel like she is not alone, and that HE is not the only "person" who cares about her. Because that's what those maggots do, they cut a woman off from her support system, her family, her friends, her career, whatever she's got going INDEPENDENT OF HIM, he MUST destroy. So of COURSE he's going to act threateningly towards you, because you're threatening his lifestyle of terrorism, misogyny and sadism.
Stay as close to her as you can. Reach out to support groups, see if you can get her to go to a meeting with you, so that new people might finally open her eyes to what IS ALREADY HAPPENING, and make her realize that she already KNOWS how it's going to END: with her funeral. Even though I don't agree with most of the YWCA's "christian" policies, they WERE the one organization that helped me navigate the legal system enough to show that judge those pictures. Call your local YWCA, call any and every battered-women's program in the book, social workers, whomever you can find. The safest thing would be for her to be in an inpatient setting, where she'd be physically protected from him, to give her time to see reality and to see herself, apart from him. As few people can afford private mental-health care, see what your county & state offer in way of battered women's shelters. Just spend time with her, and be as honest as you can with her, even though she's still lying to you and herself. But if you have to bullshit her in order to get her near a YWCA shelter or a support group, DO IT. Do whatever in the fuck it takes for her to understand that you're not "picking" on her, trying to "embarrass" her, or getting people to "gang-up on her." BUT DO IT.
That's all of the expertise I can offer. The YWCA counseling program wouldn't help me because my PTSD and earlier-life traumas were "too serious" for their social-worker to handle. And do NOT take her to any program run by the United Way, because they will let barely-licensed social workers MAKE PSYCHOLOGICAL & PSYCHIATRIC DIAGNOSES, which they, obviously, are not qualified to make.
Start with the state and county, talk to YOUR pastor, get him to talk to HER pastor, and see if that helps. I'm sorry that I'm not much help. As I said, I've never been able to convince anybody of ANYTHING, even when I've shown my nieces ALL of the pictures, again and again, and they ignore me, one went on to give birth to a baby who is permanently brain-damaged and quadriplegic BECAUSE OF THE LOWLIFE DOUCHEBAG PIECE-OF-SHIT ABUSER THAT SHE MARRIED.
I can rant and rave, but I can't FIX a fucking thing.
I have known a few women that were in these types of relationships. It's frustrating because it seems to be little you can say that makes them wake the fuck up. If you attack the abuser all too often they defend him. Or tell you that it's getting better and that THEY can "handle it". It's really sad and from what Annti says of the stupid AH series that sure as hell isn't helping at all. Probably even causing more of the same!
That's why that tabloid shit pisses me off so much, Terrible. They're telling every young girl who looks up to Rihanna, hell, they're telling EVERYBODY, that "well, that's just what a woman has to take to be in a relationship; what really matters here is that she isn't allowed to mess up HIS career."
It's exactly the agenda that the Murdoch-slanted media are trying to push. Women are disposable, but MEN are who REALLY COUNTS. I'd like to get ahold of her agents, record-company reps, every douchebag who "convinced" her to "get back together" with that misogynistic piece of shit, and drag 'em down a gravel road off the back of my truck.
Yeah, she made some bad decisions here, obviously this isn't the FIRST time that he's ever lifted a hand ot her, but I think that she's also dealing with some real depression issues, as well. She's talented, she's bright, she's beautiful, but she only believes the negative shit in her head and coming from him. She is SO just like more than half of my nieces.
I'm not making excuses for her bad decisions, I'm just saying that it's not black-and-white for any woman who decides to stay in a shitty relationship. She needs help. She needs support. And she sure as hell needs to get the fuck away from him.
And advertisers need to stop using piece-of-shit "shows" like "Access Hollywood" to sell their merchandise, because this shit isn't making ANY of them look good. They're giving approval to little blow-pop-headed sexist pigs who think that women who have their abusers arrested need to shut up and sit down and stay the fuck out of sight. I could make so many jokes here about what a short, Napoleon-complex, bass-ackwards little hair-model that Billy Bush is, but he's not even worth it. He's just the talking head for the media contingent who are helping Rupert Murdoch destroy this country. They've already turned back the clock almost a hundred years on equal rights & feminism, how much more blood do these voyeuristic vultures NEED!??!?!
And I know how frustrating it is to watch your friends keep battering their heads on the same brick walls, over and over again, like they can't see reality. My youngest great-niece wouldn't be permanently handicapped if my niece's ego hadn't precluded her leaving an abusive piece of shit BEFORE he gave the baby brain damage. I've reached out to her, I've tried everything that I could think of to get her to see reality, and haven't accomplished SHIT in that department. For someone who used to be so brilliant, so independent, so talented, to piss it all away on a motherfucker like HIM, to destroy her own CHILD for a motherfucker like him... it's beyond fucking tragic. It's so fucking stupid. And it breaks my fucking heart every fucking day. I tried to TEACH those girls NOT to repeat my mistakes and their mothers' mistakes, and it hasn't done shit.
What's a spam troll and do they hit hard????
Oh fuck, this is going to absolutely enrage you:
Survey: Half of Boston teens blame Rihanna for Chris Brown beating
What the fuck are these kids learning?
Spam trolls fill up your comments section with dick-enlarging advertisements, meet-hot-Russian-girls spam, etc. I fucking hate them and wish that I could find out their home addresses so that I could tire-tool them off of my planet.
Mentis, I would almost swear that you & Mags have a blood pact to make my head explode, and to see who can do it first.
I know that you tell me things because they're important, but that is just SO fucking depressing. It's not what these kids are "learning," it's what they're NOT learning. Self-reliance, self-esteem, anything that would allow them to stand on their own feet, rather than follow the breeder/marketing herd.
It's what's being beaten into their malleable little skulls by marketing scum, evil record-exec gargoyles, MTV, FUX, every magazine on the fucking planet, and their shallow-assed little bitch friends who tell them that, if they "don't have a MAYUNNN, then they're a LOO-HOO-HOOSER." No woman has no value unto herself, only as decreed by whichever man "owns" her: her father, her boyfriend, her husband, her son, etc., etc., ad nauseum, ad infinitum, ask a fucking Mormon. And, unfortunately, they're hearing the EXACT SAME SHIT from their so-called "parents," too.
"and "a significant number of males and females" surveyed said Rihanna was destroying Brown's career."
There you have it. A woman can be KEPT, but a MAYUNN (like that little dickless wonder will ever BE a MAN) HAS A RIGHT TO HIS INCOME, NO MATTER WHAT CRIMES HE COMMITS. Look at how many idiots made excuses for Michael Vick.
If you're famous and male, then you EARNED IT, but if you're famous and female, then it's for your LOOKS, or your daddy's millions, for whomever you're fucking, or because you're an infamous slut/psycho/whatever. NO WOMAN DESERVES ANYFUCKINGTHING, apparently.
And of course, all women in America are supposed to hate all other women in America because we're all supposed to be COMPETING FOR THE APPROVAL AND DICKS OF MEN. Even if they're gay men running a makeover show, THEY STILL KNOW WHAT A WOMAN SHOULD BE, THINK, WEAR, BECOME, BETTER THAN ANY WOMAN EVER COULD.
All together now, kids, "Thank the fuck outta you, Newt Gingrich!"
And y'all wonder why I've long harbored a blood-oath vendetta against Murdoch... pfft. Yes, ideally, we are all responsible for our own actions, we are masters of our own destiny, blah blah blah, but if you weren't raised right, YOU WEREN'T RAISED RIGHT. Some of us spend the rest of our fucking lives trying to right THOSE wrongs, but most of us never notice what's wrong, they just get off on continuing the bullying, abuse, and ignorance. And those are the people who generally wind-up with middle-management jobs.
Thanks for the link, Mentis, I'm going to add it to the edit. As soon as I finish vomiting blood.
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