Found this pretty boy when I went out today to feed the semi-ferals here @ L'Hotel du Fucktards; somebody had dumped him in the parking lot, and he'd dragged himself over to the bushes @ the property line. Shattered right hip joint, huge to-the-bone cut on front paw, highly infected, obviously some dickhead hit him with a car. But the worst part is that he's been STARVED FOR MONTHS, you can SEE every bone in his body, but he's totally tame and affectionate and purred the whole time I've held him and tended to him. He wasn't thrilled when I soaked him in the kitchen sink (warm salt water), to get all of the dried blood, feces & mud out of his wounds & fur, not to mention half of the fucking ticks on the PLANET, and it breaks my heart when I make him cry, but it had to be done. No idea what in the fuck to do now, sure as hell can't afford to take him to the vet, and she does NOT do pro-bono work. Hoping that Elaine, the other Cat Haven lady, can take him, as she has some good vets who might tend to him for cheap or free.
Have I mentioned that humans fucking SUCK?!?!?!?!?!!!!
Not only did some sociopathic psycho-cunt STARVE THIS SWEET, LOVING CAT FOR ***MONTHS***, they fucking RAN HIM OVER, and when THAT didn't kill him, they DITCHED HIM *HERE,* FOR ME, as always, TO CLEAN UP THEIR FUCKING MESS.
This is not a feral cat, this is an indoor cat, who's been raised by people and lived with people for the majority of his life. He's at least 7 years old, judging from his teeth, so he's NEVER been treated right. When you can not only FEEL the bones but SEE THEM POKING UP THROUGH HIS FUR, he's been TORTURED. Enclosed, starved, and utterly bereft of comfort or security. It's not bad enough that we have sick motherfuckers in this country (and yes, especially in this STATE) who will trade their kids for a fucking COCKATOO, who will kill TODDLERS and DROP THEM INTO A RUBBERMAID CONTAINER AND THROW HER INTO THE FUCKING GULF OF MEXICO, oh, no, that's not enough for the SEVERELY DERANGED INBRED MOUTH-BREATHING REDNECK REPUBLICUNT MOTHERFUCKERS TO GET THEIR SADISTIC ROCKS OFF. No, they have to use ANIMALS as fucking TARGETS. Look into this boy's eyes: Even in this much pain, before I could even medicate him, he's got nothing but love to give.
I retired from the cat bidness for a fucking REASON, and that reason is that I'm not "allowed" to hunt-down and torture to death the paramecium-brained CUM-FARTS who DO THIS TO HELPLESS ANIMALS.
I'm not a vet, dammit, I am not trained nor equipped nor fiscally able to take care of injuries like this. I just hope that I've been able to comfort him and take away some of the pain for a little while, until I can find somebody who can truly fix him up. I'M A LIBERAL ARTS MAJOR, GAWDDAMMIT, I AM NOT TRAINED FOR THIS SHIT. And it's the RESPONSIBILITY of the parish, the town, and the gawddamned CASTE-SYSTEM *STATE* TO TAKE CARE OF ANIMALS, not broke-ass nobodies like me. But of course, here in Hillbilly HellHole, NOBODY GIVES A FUCK ABOUT ANIMALS, THEY'RE JUST HERE FOR THE MOUTH-BREATHERS' AMUSEMENT, or the dick-substitute/enhancement of KILLING THEM to supposedly "eat," when 90% of the yuppie-scum hunters who come up here from Baton Redneck Republicunt Rouge are TROPHY HUNTERS who just wanna get drunk and shoot guns. Far be it from any of THOSE motherfuckers to try and TAKE CARE OF ANIMALS, nor the mayor, nor the D.A., nor the idiotic excuse for "cops" who don't even know that THERE ARE LAWS AGAINST ANIMAL CRUELTY ON THE FUCKING ***BOOKS***. And don't even get me fucking STARTED on the embezzling, slave-labor-exploiting, alcoholic-moron "SHERIFF." Cocksuckers.
Anyway, that's all the rant I have time for tonight, I gotta do a full-body tick-check and take a long, hot bath. I didn't see any spotted ticks on the injured cat, but you can't take any chances, and I'm sure as HELL not going to let MY babies get infested. Here are the rest of the pictures, before and after my meager attempts at first-aid. And yes, there's a point to the recycled plastic grocery bag: He wouldn't let me keep his back leg in the sling, in order to immobilize the shattered or dislocated hip, so I put the sling back on, taped it together, and then tied the whole hindquarter up in the plastic bag, to keep him from pulling the sling (a hospital tie-on ice pack being repurposed). Cats fucking HATE to have plastic in their mouths, they hate plastic period, unless it's a toy that they can gut, so I'm hoping that the bag will keep him from aggravating that hip joint and the lacerated foot. The front foot is well-bandaged and doused in neosporin, and he doesn't seem to be messing with it or gnawing it off, so hopefully the wound won't abscess while it's bandaged.
If y'all EVER catch anybody doing this to a cat or dog or gnu or zebra or whatever, KILL THOSE LOWLIFE MOTHERFUCKERS FOR ME. Way too many fertile cats & dogs in this country, but far MORE too many EVIL, ANIMAL-TORTURING SO-CALLED "HUMANS", and we need to thin THEIR fucking herds.
And yes, I know that human beings the world over are having as bad or worse inflicted upon them by the oil-company thugs of Blackwater, Halliburton, Shaw Group, Bechtel, jack-leg "mercenaries," genocidal maniacs, pirates, illegitimate "governments," and worse. I know that there are millions of people, men, women and children, in damned near every country on this planet, who are being tortured, exploited, raped, mutilated, murdered, and even worse than THAT, every fucking day that rolls around. I do not say that their suffering, the injustice that they suffer, is in any way less than or less important than the beastly inhumanities that I have seen truly demented motherfuckers inflict upon animals. But right now, this is what's in my lap. I haven't read a paper today or any news headlines, and couldn't give a flying frog fuck about what Piyush and his offspring are doing at motherfucking DisneyWorld right now. I'm so fucking enraged, and still feel completely helpless, because I don't have the money to get this poor boy's injuries fixed, and because THERE IS ***NO*** ANIMAL CONTROL IN THIS NOW-"BEDROOM COMMUNITY" REPUBLICUNT SUBURB THAT ISN'T EVOLVED ENOUGH TO GIVE A FUCK ABOUT ANIMALS, BUT THEY CAN BUILD A TACKY-ASSED NEW SUBDIVISION EVERY GAWDDAMNED WEEK. Clear-cutting primeval forests to build another fucking Walgreen's? Hey, no problem. Re-zoning and destroying poor people's homes in order to widen U.S. 61 to make life MORE CONVENIENT for the newly-fled yuppie scum of Baton Rouge to return to their Hillbilly HellHole McMansions? You betcha!
But to give a fuck about animals who have been deliberately starved, abused, mutilated, murdered or damned close? Nope, sorry, we just don't give a fuck. Period. It's not that the town, the parish and the state DON'T HAVE THE MONEY, it's just NOT IN THEIR GROWTH PLANS. Financing expansions for fucking CHURCHES, so that they can re-enact the Spanish Inquisition on homeless people or poor people who just need a fucking MEAL? Oh, sure, why not?! Actually GIVING A FUCK ABOUT ANYBODY OUTSIDE OF THE TARGET YUPPIE-SCUM DEMOGRAPHIC? Impossible.
I don't imagine that anybody wonders anymore why I've been trying to get outta here for 38 years, huh.

Aw shit, the poor little bastard. At least now he's in better hands than he's been used to; most folks wouldn't have the experience to know where to start.
The really bad stuff - breaks, deep-seated infection - might be beyond your resources, but you can set him up to have a fighting chance if you can get him to someone who can deal with those.
Makes you wish there was some sort of "veterinary paramedic" training out there.
P.S. It's humiliating to share a chromosome count with people who do shit like that.
Poor little kitty. I wish I could throw you the money I have to put towards this hospital bill towards fixing him up. He looks like a sweet guy.
Back in March 2001, my boyfriend helped me move house from Salt Lake City, UT to the much more friendly climes of Phoenix, AZ. He flew up to help me drive my cats.
Actually, I ended up doing the driving and he petted my cat Xena for five hours until she stopped foaming at the mouth. (My other kitty, the late lamented Hunter, was OK after he threw up a little bit and lost what he was holding onto in the back end.) How many guys will do that for you?!?!?!
Anyway, the next month, a cat showed up in his apartment parking lot. An abandoned cat. A cat that had been declawed. (Who declaws a cat and then abandons her?) My boyfriend, being a huge animal lover, started feeding this kitty, letting her sleep in his apartment...you can see where this is going.
In early May, he told me with great sadness that he wasn't able to keep the kitty, whom he was calling Hey Guy. "She's causing me to sneeze uncontrollably." So he took her down to the Humane Society.
That night, he cried in my car.
The next morning, which was his 40th birthday, he went back down to the Humane Society and adopted her.
Hey Guy lived almost another eight years. She got a fast moving cancer last October. My boyfriend paid $$$ (he has it, he lives like a monk) to have radiation done. She lived into the new year, but there came a day when she didn't want to sit in the window, didn't want to go for a walk (yes, Hey Guy went on walks, every night, without fail, she had to have her walks), didn't want anymore cooked breast of chicken. All she wanted to do was hide under Mark's big oak desk.
He knew it was time, so he let her go gracefully.
She was the sweetest cat. She LOVED people, loved to be petted, was very affectionate and social. My father, who was/is not a fan of cats, really liked Hey Guy (as opposed to my antisocial bunch, who hid when he comes around).
He says he doesn't want another cat right now, but I think he's kinda looking around for another homeless kitty....
Thank you for loving him so he knew love before he died. Poor little man.
Yeah, amazing what a lowlife scumbag "drama queen" like me can almost accomplish, huh?
Still haven't gotten my books back, as unpalatable as they are for you and the prior readers.
I am so sorry the hear about the poor boy, wish i had read this last year and maybe i could of splashed a little cash to get her better. At least before he left he realized what it is like to live with good people. (On his behalf: i thank you for looking after him.) i feel sorry for all animals but not humans as they are cruel SOB's. I have a cat so i know how you feel.
made an error i meant he not she
grrrr I couldn't stop crying when I read this story wow ...nothing about humans surprises me anymore..some humans just plain suck period and they will not change:/ You are an angel for trying to help this little guy...you could have turned the other way but you didn't...can we clone you lol seriously? Sucks this little guy didn't make it... at least he is no longer in the presence of the selfish asshole who did this to him. I can only hope karma kicks the jerk-off who did this in the balls HARD! Hugs to you for your compassion...take care! :)
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