Friday, May 30, 2008

Vitriol in response to Morford column of 5/21/08

In case you skipped past the column that pissed me off, here's the link again.
HERE'S the vitriol.


----- Original Message -----
From: Annti
To: Mags
Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2008 5:24 PM
Subject: RE: Love this man

Y'know, until this trivial "gawd/gawdess" shit, so did I.

How quaint.

And nobody's ever done anything GOOD for anybody without first stopping to MEDITATE and BE SELF-CENTERED first, right?

I think that, however fucked-up and failed it is, my life serves as the perfect de-bunker to Morford's theory that Meditation Cures Everyfuckingthing. I've been busting my ass to give back and to help others ALL OF MY FUCKING LIFE, and y'know what I got in return? MOCKERY. No, I never did any of it because I needed a gold star on my forehead or the applause and approval of so-called humans --- the things I've done, I did BECAUSE THEY NEEDED DOING, AND THE MOTHERFUCKERS WHO *SHOULD* HAVE BEEN DOING THEM ***WEREN'T***. Katrina being a prime fucking example.

So just like the bibul-bangers who think that THEY have all of the fucking answers and that only THEY do "good works" for others, Morford is way off the fucking mark here. Maybe his meditation sermon might actually help some of the sheeple out there, but it don't mean shit to me, except that it assumes that NOBODY DOES ANYTHING GOOD FOR ANYBODY ELSE WITHOUT THE INTERVENTION OF A BIG INVISIBLE SKY FAIRY TO **MAKE** THEM DO IT. Which, I believe, dear lady, is horseshit.

Atheists do a helluva lot of good in this world, and I'm sick and fucking tired of people who assume that we don't fucking exist.

Not yelling at YOU, Mags, just pissed-off that Morford is going the way of my other former heartthrob, Olbermann (the guy who advocated being alone in a room with Hillary with, I believe, a baseball bat. Oh, he's a riot, that one!).



P.S. You might want to send Morford a fan letter that says that it's REEEEALLLLY fucking funny when he "jokes" about weird skin eruptions/rashes/irritations, heart palpitations and OTHER SYMPTOMS OF SARCOIDOSIS. Really hilarious. I'm sure that Bernie Mac would be shickled titless, if his organs weren't failing. No, he's not going to die, not yet, but he will, and that'll be why.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Random, useless thoughts...

...but I figured that I'd share them with y'all anyway. If I couldn't bitch, my head would explode. And no, none of this will further the national dialogue or bring about brilliant revelations to unite what passes for the Democratic party, or even help a starving kid ANYWHERE. Suck it up or move on. I get more criticism from my own cats, anyway.

1. "Last Comic Standing" is every bit as corrupt, sexist, recidivist and BULLSHIT as it's been every season previous. Women outnumber men in this country by what? Almost 60 to 40%? But, remarkably, MORE MEN are "actually funny," according to the neanderthal "Sopranos" cast-off that passes as a talent scout. Oh, the cute little Korean-American girl got past the first audition (whatta fucking shock, could the white hetero male producers BE any more cliche'?), but the girl who talked about BEING A SINGLE WOMAN, as in, that MIGHT NOT be the WORST possible fate to befall a human being (for surely, it is a pox upon her house, yes?), who was every bit as funny as the younger, skinnier girl who got through, but she got THREE LINES out before they shooed her off the stage. Oh, they did get a lovely BREEDER into the set, 'cause of course, a woman is worth more if her uterus has some mileage, and she'll appeal to that housewares-buying demographic so much better ('cause y'know, spinsters DON'T BUY ANYTHING). When Brett Butler walked out on this bullshit show in the first season, she knew exACTLY what the fuck she was doing. Yeah, yeah, Drew Carey walked out too, but if you haven't met that sweaty little man on the dance floor of the Dungeon, you just don't know what he REALLY thinks of women.

2. PsychoSister and all other ignorant bigots who think that people on disability or who don't make more than $6G a year don't "deserve" anything (Medicare, food, oxygen, cubic footage on this earth, etc.) will be THRILLED to know that their Dick-Cheney-Issued(C) mindset is not only being kept alive, but is also being PROMULGATED by a couple of people who work for the IRS. Sure, sure, the easy joke would be that it's the ENTIRE IRS (duh), but it's not. Until tonight, despite the (however managerial-speak it is inculcated) bullshit that's been shoveled at me thus far by the IRS service line AND 1-800-ASK-USPS, they've still always been HUMAN. It takes twenty to thirty minutes to GET to a human, but when you do, if you must, you actually are more likely to reach a polite, professional ADULT than you are to reach a douchebag.
But here's why I tend to hate a lot of white people: The rich, spoiled, pretentious, wanna-marry-money, gotta-be-a-big-fucking-CUNT-to-prove-my-supposed-"superiority" bitches who don't deserve their fucking jobs. I can't fucking believe the shit that people are allowed to get away with nowadays. Yeah, I've been out of the workforce for years now, but if I had even THOUGHT about affecting the fucking ATTITUDE or the BIGOTRY or the flat-out asinine RUDENESS of these cockbites, I would not only have found my ass on the curb THAT MINUTE, they'd probably have called-in BACK UP to make sure that I left the fucking PROPERTY. I've been fired for SITTING DOWN at work before, how in the FUCK did a hate-mongering Cheney-suckling little ASS-BERET like her MAKE IT THROUGH THE HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT?!?!?!?!? Do civil-service tests not include psych profiles?

Yes, I could go into everything that the aforementioned assberet (credit that word to CCMcGoon, btw, but I already told her that I was gonna steal it!) actually DID to me, but who really gives a fuck, honestly? Suffice it to say that the mighty-white upper-middle-class (or UMC-WANNABE) mentality is strong and fiercely enforcing the Cheney/Poppy Bush "new world order" down to the last undeserving "welfare queen" on the fucking planet. If that Main Core shit didn't skeer the living shit out of you, try calling your friendly non-local 800# IRS rep. The intensity of the hatred, condescension, stereotyping and bigotry spewed forth from that one little cunt makes even the hardiest LGFucktards troll look like a gawddamned Peace Corps volunteer.

(BTW, if any new folk should happen by here and think that I'm a hate-monger too, it's okay, I glow in the dark, I am mostly caucasian. But I fucking HATE being lumped-in with the lesser-evolved members of this melanin group, i.e. 99.5% of my so-called "family.")

3. Boycott fucking OLD NAVY until they remove that whining, singing-through-the-nose-that-even-plastic-surgery-can't-help, tone-deaf, talentless, ugly-ass, idiotic, classic-case-of-stage-"parents"-worst-failures, more-useless-than-tits-on-a-boar-hog little BITCH Ashley Simpson FROM THE ANNOYING-ASS, OFF-THE-LITERAL-FUCKING-BEAT COMMERCIALS THAT ARE INVADING MY HOUSE AT LEAST EIGHT THOUSAND TIMES A FUCKING DAY. Yeah, I know, turn off the fucking TV, read a book, wash a dish, what the fuck ever. This is my little hermit existence, it ain't much, but it's mine, and I'm sick and fucking TIRED of this HORRIBLE EXCUSE FOR ADVERTISING being RAMMED UP MY ASS SEVERAL THOUSAND TIMES A FUCKING DAY.
It's not bad enough that the majority of ads that you get over rabbit-ears are HORRIBLY-written, horribly-voiced, even-worse "acted" and so forth local ads WHERE THEY LET THE CLIENTS MAKE THEIR OWN COMMERCIALS (there really oughta be a fucking law), no, nooooooo, the crappiest store in every mall (and all malls are inherently evil, in case y'all haven't noticed, unless they're shopping centers that feature LOCAL BUSINESSES, and so few do anymore...) HAS TO BUY-UP ALL OF THE AVAILABLE AIR TIME ON EVERY FUCKING NETWORK. And let their "theme song" be lip-synched by the biggest joke of a "singer" this side of Milli-Vanilli or said joke's T&A sister. Boycott Old Navy, take fake music off of the public airwaves, maybe SOMEDAY the scum known as the "music" industry will take a fucking hint.

I'm sure that I had more points to make when I started this shit (I had a theory going about how they only invented this "stimulus" payment in order to give gubmint contractors to low-rent key-punchers who contributed to the RNC, but it hasn't fleshed-out yet... Gotta find the actual connections somewhere.), but by now, I'm just fucking exhausting. Yeah, I vent because it keeps me from killing the stupid motherfuckers who NEED KILLING, but it's a lotta work, physiologically speaking. Feel free to vent yer own rants/bitches in the comments, though they're more likely to be read over to the mother ship.

Friday, May 2, 2008

There may be hope for this hellhole yet...

This letter to the editor of the Baton Rouge Advocate was printed on April 26, 2008; because the online version of this republicunt rag expects you to PAY four bucks or more to link to letters written by NON-STAFF and which are easily transcribed from the printed newspaper, I've done so here, because I refuse to give my debit card information to these douchebags. (And no, I didn't write the letter; I found it remarkable that ANYONE surviving in the hellhole of Baton Rouge would have the courage to buck the uber-catholic/protestant bibul-banging fanatic majority and use his real name!)

Speculation, soul, abortion, choice
Saturday, Apriil 26, 2008
Baton Rouge Advocate

A writer (letter, March 1), lamenting that U.S. laws prevent forcing a woman to bear a pregnancy she decided to abort, speculated the soul “appears at the very instant of conception.”

Speculation about imaginary entities, such as souls, should never threaten laws that protect women.

The entity, soul, is maintained by tradition, which some people hold more important than fiction because tradition has age. Wikipedia (online) covers “soul.” The paragraph on etymology, which reports “soul” is some 3,000 years old, seems trivial since the underlying concerns and dialogue must have started nearly a 100,000 years ago.

Other paragraphs --- about philosophical views, religious views, etc. --- cover speculations. Thinkers like Plato and Aristotle commented on something prehistoric men imagined might address real concerns: souls empowered awareness and immortality.

Wikipedia’s “list of Star Wars characters” is also fascinating but too new and too widely known as fiction to enter arguments about human reproduction. And in the “information age,” it I unlikely Star Wars characters will ever have the status of ancient phantasms such as the soul.

Facts about human reproduction are also in Wikipedia. The entry “twins,” includes the statement, “Identical twins occur when a single egg is fertilized to form one zygote which then divides into two separate embryos.”

Considering the writer’s speculation that a soul “appears at that very instant of conception,” what happens to the soul when the resulting zygote divides to form identical twins? Does the soul divide and double; does it stay with only one of the embryos, leaving the other one soulless; does an additional soul appear; did two souls appear at conception?

Most people who would force a woman to bear a pregnancy she would abort neither hold the man accountable nor complain about the ubiquitous natural abortions. Estimating the number of natural abortions is difficult. Reported miscarriages approximate 20 percent of known pregnancies; many conceptions naturally terminate too early to be noticed or otherwise go unreported; stillbirths must be included. Perhaps more than 10 million conception are naturally aborted in the United States each year!

Most people who lament laws that protect women ignore these spontaneous abortions. Spontaneous abortions are usually a natural response to something gone wrong --- chromosomal abnormality in the fetus; problems with the uterus, cervix, or placenta; polycentric ovary syndrome; an unhealthy mother/father.

Just as it would be wrong to reverse nature’s abortions, it would be wrong to force a woman to bear a pregnancy she decided to abort. Imaginary entities and people’s opinions about them have no place in the arguments about responsibility, accountability and forcing a woman to bear a pregnancy that she decided to abort.

Retired chemical engineer
Baton Rouge