Friday, May 30, 2008

Vitriol in response to Morford column of 5/21/08

In case you skipped past the column that pissed me off, here's the link again.
HERE'S the vitriol.


----- Original Message -----
From: Annti
To: Mags
Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2008 5:24 PM
Subject: RE: Love this man

Y'know, until this trivial "gawd/gawdess" shit, so did I.

How quaint.

And nobody's ever done anything GOOD for anybody without first stopping to MEDITATE and BE SELF-CENTERED first, right?

I think that, however fucked-up and failed it is, my life serves as the perfect de-bunker to Morford's theory that Meditation Cures Everyfuckingthing. I've been busting my ass to give back and to help others ALL OF MY FUCKING LIFE, and y'know what I got in return? MOCKERY. No, I never did any of it because I needed a gold star on my forehead or the applause and approval of so-called humans --- the things I've done, I did BECAUSE THEY NEEDED DOING, AND THE MOTHERFUCKERS WHO *SHOULD* HAVE BEEN DOING THEM ***WEREN'T***. Katrina being a prime fucking example.

So just like the bibul-bangers who think that THEY have all of the fucking answers and that only THEY do "good works" for others, Morford is way off the fucking mark here. Maybe his meditation sermon might actually help some of the sheeple out there, but it don't mean shit to me, except that it assumes that NOBODY DOES ANYTHING GOOD FOR ANYBODY ELSE WITHOUT THE INTERVENTION OF A BIG INVISIBLE SKY FAIRY TO **MAKE** THEM DO IT. Which, I believe, dear lady, is horseshit.

Atheists do a helluva lot of good in this world, and I'm sick and fucking tired of people who assume that we don't fucking exist.

Not yelling at YOU, Mags, just pissed-off that Morford is going the way of my other former heartthrob, Olbermann (the guy who advocated being alone in a room with Hillary with, I believe, a baseball bat. Oh, he's a riot, that one!).



P.S. You might want to send Morford a fan letter that says that it's REEEEALLLLY fucking funny when he "jokes" about weird skin eruptions/rashes/irritations, heart palpitations and OTHER SYMPTOMS OF SARCOIDOSIS. Really hilarious. I'm sure that Bernie Mac would be shickled titless, if his organs weren't failing. No, he's not going to die, not yet, but he will, and that'll be why.

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