Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Here's the deal:

Anybody whom I've invited to post at M.O.B. can use this blog to store long documents (like my rambling rants of late), pictures, whatever you want, then link back to here from the main page. That's why I've set it up, just to have a storage unit, so to speak. I don't know how to do the "encapsulated" set-up that some blogs do, where you have a chunk of the beginning of the post on the front page, then it links to its own page for the full post. If any of y'all know how to do this, please lemme know, if it can be done on freebie Blogger.

This way, none of my long stuff will push anybody else off of the main page, and vice versa. Dig? This way, there's more blog room for everybody! Y'know, if & when y'all have the time & inclination to post... heh.

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