Sunday, November 23, 2008

People Who Make Ya Go "GACK!"

The title link is a moral/human GACK, but the people who make ME go "GACK!" are the pure-breeders. Saturdays & Sundays @ my house are primarily PBS days/nights, but it's not always great programming. This being Nouveau-Riche-White-Trash Central, they are thicker than maggots on roadkill, so the choice in programming isn't a shock, but it is an annoyance. I love cat people, I am cat people, but it's the eugenics-minded BREEEEDERS who make my flesh crawl. To only see value in the animals which you design, in the "pure blood," in the anal-retentive "criteria" for what is "acceptable" in an animal, who should be an independent creature unto itself... to watch these weirdos (generally too much money & free time) IDENTIFY THEMSELVES through their "breeding programs" and how many ribbons those animals "win" --- beyond disturbing. Every animal (except armadillos, poisonous snakes, and Irish Channel & French Quarter teamster rats) deserves to be loved and respected, dammit. Not just the ones who go for $400+.

Biddy & Boy usually enjoy the nature/animal programming, especially the big cats, and I'm sure that they'll enjoy this much more appropriate endeavor, about "The Wolf That Changed America," but I'm proud to report that they slept through that entire frou-frou cat-show shit.

CC's post about Rollins' new adventures led me to a link on HuffPo about Katrina Children, suffering the fallout of genocidal no-bid contracts on those piece-of-shit trailers (remember the formaldehyde?), which I read as the poufters and prancers went on and on, ad nauseum, about the precious priceless cats that "they" had "created." Talk about your nauseating juxtoposition. While the current series about the Britsh Monarchy has been exceedingly pedantic and voyeuristic, oohing and ahhing about the jewels, money & manpower wasted to prop-up the pomp & circumstance, at least QE2 has EARNED respect, that woman busted her ASS during WWII and after, holding that country together after the Blitz, giving terrified people hope and making sure that the bastards didn't win. I can think of a billion better ways to utilize the resources of PBS & BBC, not to mention the MILLIONS of gallons of jet fuel, pounds sterling, and labor wasted just for her Birthday Celebration, but at least the woman puts in an honest day of work.

But to read about my people, the people of New Orleans, the survivors of Katrina, having to watch their own children suffer & die as the aftermath of a federally-mandated genocide, whilst a bunch of very-sheltered/spoiled white people prance around with overpriced inbred "purebred" cats, as I know how many cats, dogs, birds, horses, you name it, were left behind during Katrina, and what the rescue margins were after the fact --- makes me borderline violent. Smug, Bush-loving, yuppie scum.
I saw what the women & men of the LSU Vet School & Ag Center did, I watched them busting their asses even as FEMA was appropriating THEIR money, to match these traumatized animals with their humans, to find shelter for the ones who couldn't be reunited, and to care for the sick, injured and dying. I took multiple truckloads of supplies to them, I slipped the director a wad of cash when the FEMA dorks weren't looking, because they'd even seized her PETTY CASH and day-to-day OPERATING FUNDS. There are too many animals in the Gulf South, in Louisiana, in New Orleans, and beyond, for me to give a flying rat-fuck about a bunch of pretentious idiots in Houston who'd rather spend thousands on show cats than to contribute a DIME to ferals or strays. Fuck your purebreds, devote some of that time, effort & money where it's NEEDED, you arrogant twats.

So LPB and PBS can kiss my ass on that note.


Tammy said...

PBS pissed me off during the Tavis N.O. series. They ran it here at 1:15am. We had been members back when teh kid watched Thomas the Tank Engine and we were still getting solicitations these many years later.

I went online that night and pledged TWO CENTS. Entered my credit card, the secret code, my real name and address. Then I attached a strongly worded message, hoping that the credit card process was automatic and that they were charged .43 cents to process my pledge.

Never heard back from them.

Anntichrist S. Coulter said...

Y'know, I remember making a point of tuning-in for Tavis' series, but I cannot remember a single thing about it. Do you think that I've repressed the entire experience, and if so, why?

Fucking LOVE how you got rid of the bastids, though.

Watching "The Rape Of Europia," about Hitler's art grabs & ruthless destruction of all art HE considered "inferior" or "meaningless." Fucktard FLUNKED-OUT ON THE ENTRANCE EXAM TO ART SCHOOL, but he purported to decide WHAT ART DESERVED TO SURVIVE, and WHAT SHOULD BE BURNED OR SOLD FOR PENNIES.

Why do the evil, most tasteless cocksuckers on earth GET AWAY WITH IT ALL?!?!?! The motherfucker allegedly offed himself, so yeah, he got away with it, he never saw the War Crimes Tribunal, as Dick Cheney, Colin Powell, Rumsfeld, Poppy Bush, et al, should.

Just imagine what was lost to eternity in what they destroyed, not just the nazis, but THESE modern-day profiteering war-mongering neo-nazis. Imagine how much of irreplaceable, inimitable art treasure is still hidden within the coffers of the Vatican, where Hitler "placed it for safekeeping," unlike the Gaugins & Van Goghs that he burned as kindling.

Not quite the same as 8+ million human beings being burnt as kindling, but a tragedy/horror, nonetheless. That these stolen works are STILL being repatriated is a crime in and of itself.

So on this note, at least, PBS didn't cock it up. The NOVA special about Katrina, on the other hand, obviously written, produced, and funded by REPUBLICUNTS. There was no science or truth involved there, just RE-WRITING THE ACTUAL STORY. Regressive repainting of the truth and the history.