Friday, June 6, 2008

Clusterfuck '08 Update 2

I was on my way to my senate district caucus when I found myself among several hundred Obama and Clinton supporters trying to out-chant each other. You ever been to a high school football game when the cheerleaders from the opposing teams face each other on the track and try to one-up each other with cheers? Yeah, think about that on a mass level and you'll have an idea of what I got stuck in.

I'll never get how people can be that excited about anyone. I lost my ability to have high hopes for any politicians loooooong ago.

When the senate district caucus started, it was time to fill in the absent delegate spots with alternates. There were 4 alternates and 2 spots to be filled, so they has us line up so the delegates could vote on us. In a move that absolutely fucking blew my mind, they made us turn around so we couldn't see how they voted. How fucking juvenile is that? Are they afraid that we're going to go postal on anyone who doesn't vote for us? Trust me, guys, we can handle it. We've been potty trained for years now.

Anyways, I didn't get one of the spots, but one of the ladies came up to me afterwards and told me that I just missed it. That's funny, as the other guy probably just missed as well, but I appreciated her for trying. Can't tell you what the numbers were though, 'cause they obviously didn't trust us with such sensitive information.

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