Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Mourning Our Heroines

Yes, the primary race is over. This isn't about that. This is looking at our so-called American/Murkin "culture" and wondering where in the fuck did it all GO?!?!?!?!

Eleanor Roosevelt. Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Susan B. Anthony. Miss Lillian Carter. Molly Ivins. Ann Richards.

Where are our women who are willing to sacrifice the "imperative" to breed, to nest, to become owned through legal contract and cult ritual, to become earthbound to the triviality that marketers raise to "achievement"? Where are our women who think about the WORLD instead of just compiling their own resumes? Where are the women who will bust their asses to GET IT DONE, rather than climb over the not-yet-cold bodies of those who went before to grasp that fucking brass ring?

Hillary was no Eleanor. Hillary was for Hillary. But dammit, it wasn't about HER. It was about US. Yes, we are OWED, but more than we are owed, we have fucking EARNED IT, despite what the scum who bring us "Drunk Girls Who Hate Daddy And Flash Their Tits" videos would have the world believe about us.
We have fucking EARNED IT, because we are more than just "the power behind the throne." We deserved better than Hillary, because she sold-out feminism a long fucking time ago. She allowed knuckle-dragging child-fucking SCUM like Fatfuck Limbaugh to add "feminazi" to the lexicon with nary a protest or even the reams and libraries of proof to the contrary. She lost her optimistic cherry over the gang-bang they gave her over socialized healthcare (like every other fucking CIVILIZED nation has had for DECADES), and that's when she stopped giving a fuck about anybody but Hillary. I've never denied any of that, but dammit, I wanted to believe that the REAL Hillary, that optimistic little rich girl who went to Wellesley & thought that she could change the world for the better --- that given the chance, that feminist (though still too removed from the nitty-gritty reality, she had seen more of the world of poverty than Barry has attempted, even now) would arise from the ashes like a Phoenix.

And time after time, chance after chance, she marketed towards the middle of the road and only the women her age and older still believed that she was thinking of US as she cozied-up to her military-industrial-complex sugar daddies. Not quite as disappointing as her Mona Lisa smirking silence during that cum-stained-blue-dress anarchy (and I do NOT mean "anarchy" in a good way) that led us to the current Big Brother state of outright fucking FASCISM in which we live today. We thought that J. Edgar's invasions of Eleanor Roosevelt's bedroom were too much, yet we barely flinch when lesser worms than he do it to US.

Where are our women? Not just online, there are so many educated, down & dirty, outright indignant, fierce women warriors out here, they're not hard to find. But where are they in public service? Donna Brazile ought to be running for office (I'd give both of my gravitationally-challenged tits if she'd knock Piyush "Bobby" Jindal out of the gubner's mansion!), but there's too much money to be made in the "private sector." Margaret Atwood should be running the U.N., but she wants to stay private and keep writing, neither of which can I fault her for, considering what she's accomplished thus far. But we need another of her to get out there and start busting some fucking HEADS.

Barbara Boxer is still kicking ass, but you can tell that the "leadership" (DINO piglets like Dean) of the DNC have her on a leash, she can only kick so much ass, and only certain asses, never the ones who NEED IT. Diane Feinstein... well, she's still there. We all know how quickly Pelosi strapped-on those diamond-studded kneepads, she needs to swing from the same gallows as Cheney.

I'd never make it, we all know that my skeletons are WAY outta the closet, and most of 'em are still kicking (can't afford the woodchipper ALL of the time), so don't even joke about it. I do what I can, as I try to wrangle more brain cells back from the edge of that Lyrica black hole that's been killing what little brain I had left for the past nine months of pure joy (NOT). We have so many wonderful women here, but they've all got day jobs. Where will we recruit our next generation of ass-kicking women who will NOT apologize for even "seeming" FEMINIST?

We have two whole generations of women who still believe that it's more important to be "hot" than it is to be TRUE. That the approval of random men (or the right guy with the right income) is more important than anything that THEY might achieve, or how they can use their talents to help others. They believe that breeding is their highest calling, just as Ike would've had it. Rosie The Riveter, domesticated, tranquilized/prozac'ked to the point of obedient apathy, out of the work force and into the "homemaker" industry. No paycheck or retirement plan, but oh! The self esteem to be garnered from popping out a unit every nine months and pleasing that mayunn! I swear, it makes the fucking SEVENTIES look MORE ADVANCED than who we are today. I do not envy, nor do I begrudge the intelligent women who did procreate but STILL GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THE REST OF THE WORLD. It's the ones who think that it's an EITHER-OR PROPOSITION. They go to college to marry the right frat boy, they get date-raped on rufies but assume that it's "just part of doing business." They take domestic abuse because it's more impressive to be married than to stand on their own two feet. Even if they don't sell their souls to legal documentation/enjoindering, they'll take a "male" (true men, REAL men, WANT an EQUAL woman, they're not THREATENED by a real woman) who treats them like shit, because then they can say, "Well at least I have a mayunn!"

Jerry Springer's wet dream, with Maury Povich's paternity tests. No tests to see if any of these kids will ever have real parents, but it's all about the syndication profits, right?

Where are our Eleanor Roosevelts? Where are our next Rosalyn Carters? Will all of the next women leaders only come from money, from privileged opportunities, from private/elite education? Will republicunt ass-lickers like Rachael Ray mold the minds of our teenaged girls who aren't out flashing their cooches to aspire to Paris Hilton's uselessness? Where are our liberal female powerhouses? Where are the Norma Raes? Where is our next Molly Ivins?

Will the cults continue to turn back the clock on feminism the way that Newt Gingrich & Joe Lieberman republicunts have done? Will the mythological P.R. of that uber-breeder-marketer "Mother" Theresa continue to overshadow the REAL good done by people like Pearl S. Buck and Eleanor Roosevelt and Elisabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony? Why are all of our heroes HEroes? Still haven't gotten to see Ironman, but I wanna see IRON WOMAN. I want to see ISIS come back, not Wonder Woman, 'cause hot as she was in those go-go boots, she was STILL too fuckings subservient to me. Charlie's Angels with better costumes and less jiggle.

Where are our Bette Davises and our Tallulah Bankheads and our Vivien Leighs? Are we condemned to anorexic little submissives until they skip pretending to have a plot altogether and reduce every movie to "She's All That," 'cause of course, no woman no girl is ANYTHING until a MAN makes her into WHAT HE WANTS HER TO BE. The Pentagon tries to sell us that makeover myth, that a woman can blow up or build up anything that the men can, but then they put her in the fucking kitchen to cut a tendon on a giant can of sweet potatoes. They promise kids, with a G.E.D. and no job market --- the world, and they give you SHIT in exchange for your very fucking life.

This is rambling, and I'd originally envisioned it as something poetic, a dirge, a good cathartic cry for the loss of women the likes of which I fear that we will never see again. But I just can't stop being SO FUCKING PISSED OFF, that THESE are the "pop culture" heroines that we're sold, that J.K. Rowling is the richest woman on earth but only, what? NINETEENTH MOST "POWERFUL"?!??! Gee, did Trump write the fucking list? Oprah has done a lot, but she could do so much more than pat yuppie breeders on the back and tell them what to BUY BUY BUY next. She has the best forum on the planet, and 90% of her content is superficial crap.

2008, and a woman's life in America is still worth nothing. Nothing more than whether she was white, married, breeder --- when a rich white woman goes missing, they never once mention WHO SHE WAS or WHAT SHE DID or ACCOMPLISHED, she is only important because SHE BELONGED TO OTHER PEOPLE AND SHE SPAT OUT A UNIT EVERY NINE MONTHS. Her mind, her soul, her conscience, those are nice little "human interest" footnotes, but what matters is that she BRED. That is her true value, what comes out of her cunt, and who comes into it.

And no white woman's life will ever truly be of value so long as her life is supposed to be more "important" to the thousands of black, brown, yellow, red, any other color on the planet --- until THEIR lives are front-page news, CNN blockbuster two-hour "investigations" (Nancy Grace is an evil vulture bigot whore should swing right after Pelosi) --- remember that little Cabrini Green girl who was beaten, gang-raped, set afire and she LIVED, the same fucking day that Jean-Benet disappeared? I remember her, and I've yet to hear another word about her after that fourth small, back-of-the-A-section paragraph. I bet that they never caught a single one of the motherfuckers, 'cause what's a mutilated, permanently BROKEN black child compared to a RICH WHITE MORMON BEAUTY CONTESTANT who as PIMPED OUT BY HER OWN PARENTS?!?!?! Until the lives of every poor woman, every undereducated woman, every underemployed woman, every unfulfilled woman, every woman who is "anonymous" and forgotten day by day --- until THEIR lives finally fucking MATTER, then no, I will not give a fuck about any single rich white woman whose corpse that Nancy Grace fucks on national TV. I do not matter, the cops have proven that to me, time and again. My life can be threatened, nearly ended, stolen, all by three different scumbags, and three different scumbag pigs NEVER GAVE A FUCK. Y'know why?

Not married. No kids. Not rich. No job. Useless. My cunt has only been used for abuse and pointless recreation, not pointless overcreation, therefore I have no worth, because no man has ever CLAIMED my cunt. Well, one tried, but then he tried to beat me to death, so his penis lost its cachet with that one-two punch. I'm nothing to any man with any "authority" because I do not belong to a DESIRED DEMOGRAPHIC. I don't spend over a thousand a month on food, clothes, trinkets, toys, diapers, furniture, therefore I don't count to any fucking body. Follow the money, honey, for it leads you to all truth, or, rather, who controls what is broadcast AS the truth.

Rupert Murdoch's mother must not have been very nice to him, or he has a very small mind and a very small penis, 'cause few people have tried as hard as he has to destroy women and everything that we've fought for over the past 300 years. Australia, until the most recent batshit P.M., has ALWAYS had more highly-evolved laws about women's rights and protection under the law, and yet they're being manipulated by the same shriveled old prostate-on-a-stick who's destroyed journalism, truth, habeas corpus and REALITY in THIS country.

Men, real men, men who GET IT, who are secure in themselves and KNOW themselves, the ones who truly LOVE and RESPECT women, have nothing to fear. Least not from me. But where are they when it comes to the pigs? When will they join arms with us and stand the neanderthals down again? Yes, our men HERE, they fight the good fight, but there are so many MORE good men out there, who treasure women, who KNOW that we are important, not because any man agrees that we are, but because of who we are and what we can give to the world and to ourselves. Where are all of these good men as idiots like Joe whatsisface turn underage girls with alcohol poisoning and no spines into MEAT?!!?!? Every single douchebag who buys those videos can NOT be a republicunt living in Thailand as a permanent "sexual tourist."

WE dropped the ball. WE let Bill get away with the ULTIMATE disrespect for ALL women, aided and abetted in said destruction by a conniving hatchet-faced whore and her idiotic pawn. WE let Hillary get away with being the submissive "political wife," standing by her mayunnn, as the republicunts appropriated everything we'd earned and PISSED IT ALL AWAY. WE let Hillary get away with playing the "centrist" and leaving all of US out in the rain. And for what? What in the fuck have we, or does she, have to show for it? Squat.

Barry had damned well better bring his A-game. He'd better start paying attention to the women who didn't believe that he's a feminist. He'd DAMNED well better do more than roll up his sleeves and take off his tie to "relate" to the working poor and the just damned-well FUCKED poor. He'd better do us women proud, and let us know that us angry old bitches, us die-hard FEMINISTS, still fucking MATTER. Hillary told us that, but did she deliver on it? Ummm... not so much.

We WANT to believe. But we're not drinking the kool-aid. We won't gaze upon his wonderment with dewy eyes of teenaged girls at the first Beatles concert. We won't reach out to touch the hem of his garment, and we won't kiss the fucking ring. He has to stand tall and look us in the eye and PROVE that WOMEN MATTER, that the past 28 years of backsliding into the 13th Century ARE GOING TO FUCKING END, AND NOW.

We may find new heroines, wherever they are. In googling my own name, I've found a neurosurgeon in Scotland and a physicist in England, and I wish to all hell that I could meet them and tell them how much I admire them for being the better version of me, as odd as it is to have so many Angl0-Saxons/Celts with a Scottish surname and a Hebrew first name.

But maybe the endgame of our mourning the loss, the lapse, the lack of an Eleanor Roosevelt, the lack of a Mae West, the lack of a Susan B. Anthony, the lack of a Janis Joplin --- is to become our own fucking heroines. To sacrifice the "Murkin dream" as the corporations and their marketing vultures have sold it to us, the breeding, the glow, the hubby, the suburbs, to see it all for what it really is --- a fucking TRAP --- and to get back to doing what we should've been doing instead of falling for John Hughes movies and dreaming of back when Judd Nelson was still cute and MAYBE we could SOMEDAY be "good enough" for some man like him. The ascetic life isn't for everyone, we know this, I don't expect anybody else to "retire" like I have, but dammit, take a little time, every day, to think about what you can do for your sisters. To look at what's fucked-up about this country and CHANGE IT. Or at least bitch about it until somebody fucking REALIZES THAT WHAT WE HAVE TO SAY ACTUALLY FUCKING MATTERS.

Stop letting the Fatfuck Limbaughs and the no-longer-funny Stern and the advertising scum and the pharmaceutical companies and the Wally World billionaires and the sweatshop clothing sales assholes who are now SIZING THE CLOTHES TO FIT THOSE SWEATSHOP CHILDREN (Self-image sickness on Aisle 10, Self-Loathing is buy one, get one free!) --- STOP LETTING THESE MOTHERFUCKERS DEFINE US. We've got to take the language back. We've got to focus on the things that REALLY FUCKING MATTER. Women/Womyn, not so much. ENDING SEXUAL SLAVERY ALL OVER THE WORLD, yeah. Using breast implants to get a raise? Nuh-uh. STOPPING THE GENOCIDES IN AFRICA? Litttttle more urgent.

Be who YOU want to be, stop trying to fit the girly molds that our mothers or our fathers (or sperm donors) or our schoolmates or whomever told us we had to fit into. Do what YOU were put on this earth to accomplish, and make that matter, make it MEAN SOMETHING to the rest of the world, use it to HELP women whom nobody else will help, or even knows exist. Hillary, I stopped mourning back in '98. But for fuck's sake, don't y'all DARE let a single Hillary supporter go BIGOTED SENILE REPUBLICUNT just to spite Barry The Prom King. No trivia, just the big shit. THAT'S where we get our heroines, dammit. And maybe Donna Brazile on the fucking CABINET.


Terrible said...

Right on Annti! Good to see you back in fighting form! I think the type of women you're talking about are out there, they're just marginalized to such an extent by our society that they're hard to see. For me I think Medea Benjamin is the closest I see to what Eleanor Roosevelt was. I know there is some perception out there that she's an attention whore but from what I've seen I'd say that's just the media created image. But yeah she's got a ways to go to reach Eleanors level of influence. And Col. Ann Wright has some potential too. I've got a lot of respect for the women of the Raging Grannies and CodePink. And while I can't support them financially I do give them what support I can in conversations and by letting them know I support them.

"I swear, it makes the fucking SEVENTIES look MORE ADVANCED than who we are today."

I gotta agree with that and it's damn sad is what it is. It looks like a long hard rocky uphill road but one that can be travelled. Let's hope we make it to a world where women take their rightful place in our society soon! The sooner the better for all of us!

CC McGoon said...

As much as I understand how pissed Hillary supporters are right now with the sexist as hell treatment she has been subjected to in this primary, and the silence on Obama's part, I seriously doubt that the supporters that are supposedly running to McCain out of spite were feminists to begin with. Of course, I have yet to meet any of these much talked about people either. All of the Clinton supporters I know, myself included, never even considered McCain as an option. We know damn well he has never been on our side and, like you, are crossing our fingers in hope that Obama remembers us in the end.

mirele said...

Thanks, Annti, for your very timely reminder.

I was reminded today that Carly Fiorina, the former head of Hewlett-Packard, is out campaigning for John McCain. This really pisses me off. Fiorina benefitted from feminism to get where she's at now, not from the good ole BOY-ism that McCain pushes. Fiorina is 53 years old, she KNOWS what it's like to be discriminated against, yet her money counts more than solidarity with other women. $%#@!!!!

It's interesting to read her biography and see where my father (high school grad, no college) *could* have gone had he been able to get a higher education. That's why he was all over us kids to get a degree in SOMETHING, ANYTHING. Us girls, we got degrees (two apiece). My younger brother, sadly enough, has no degrees and he is stuck. But my dad got passed over for promotion after promotion because he didn't have a piece of paper that said he was able to pay to go to college. It drove him nuts for years to see me not living up to my education (he's much happier now about my current line of work). But it wasn't until my last job interview that I got absolute proof that having a degree counts--having that law degree GOT me the interview, because the manager wanted to know why I was working on a help desk. And then I GOT the job.

And this is what makes me sick, is seeing how in George Bush's Amerika, if you don't know someone or have lot$ of money, you're outta luck. You can't get into college, so you end up working at Wal-Mart or as cannon fodder for endless wars in Iraq. And if we get John McCain, we'll have four more years of that crap.

I live in Arizona, so my vote doesn't count this year (barring some unforeseen miracle). So you all have GOT to do the voting for me. You hear?

Anntichrist S. Coulter said...

Thank y'all, so much. When I saw the lack of comments on the main page, it damned near broke my heart, but then I came over here and saw y'all's comments, it was the best gift I've been given in a long damned time.

I did copy all of y'all's comments over here and transfer them to the main page, though, so that others MIGHT join in on the discussion, though I'm not holding my breath.

Maybe I've lost my edge, maybe I'll get it back, dunno at this point, but any response is greatly appreciated.