Saturday, June 7, 2008

Clusterfuck '08 Update 3

They showed Clinton's speech live in the convention a few minutes earlier. Well, part of it anyway. They lost the feed several times and by the last time, they just gave up. Clinton and Obama supporters were chanting and yelling the whole way through it like she was here personally.

I mentioned yesterday that I, along with the other alternates, were told to turn around during the vote to fill the delegate spots so that we couldn't see who voted for/against us. I was a bit miffed because it was so goddamned juvenile, but I found out later that it was also against the party rules. There isn't supposed to be any secret voting at all. Even written ballots are supposed to be signed by the delegate. I mean, hell, we all got here by caucus voting, which wasn't even close to secret. Anyways, if I had known about that rule beforehand I would've said something, but as it was I just huffed and puffed a little.

That wasn't the only fuck up in SD31 though. They stayed until after midnight last night finishing their voting and now it was announced that they have to re-caucus this afternoon. Spacedark talks about that a little more here.

I was also told that they upgraded an alternate to a delegate spot that was already taken, causing all kinds of hell.

I would belong to the only senate district in the convention that can't get its shit together. I'm going to head out now and see if I can find the caucus. I have a feeling I'll want to witness this one.

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